2 Zodiac Signs Experience Overflowing Abundance On September 28, 2024
News Update September 28, 2024 03:24 AM

On September 28, 2024, the cosmos is buzzing with potential for two zodiac signs primed to experience major abundance in their lives. With the Moon strutting its stuff in fabulous Leo and Venus diving deep into intense Scorpio waters, we’re being called to turn up the volume on our passions and chase what we love with fierce, relentless devotion.

The morning kicks off with the Moon forming a minor aspect to Mercury, which might stir up an opportunity for some emotionally charged conversations. Just remember, this is a chance to wear your heart on your sleeve and express your true feelings — even if things get a little messy.

Venus also forms a minor aspect with the North Node, which makes us all about cutting through the fluff and getting straight to the heart of the matter. This is a beautiful period in which we’ll feel motivated to align our goals with our relationships and strengthen them before December’s #cuffingseason sets in. No more superficial chit-chat — let’s talk intentions!

Fast forward to this afternoon, and the Moon’s teaming up with Jupiter, a.k.a. our lucky horseshoe of the zodiac. This cosmic connection will fill us with optimism and a sense of abundance, encouraging us to embrace joy and bask in the good vibes all around us. It’s a moment to acknowledge our wins and dream big about what’s next.

With all this vibrant energy around us, September 28 promises to be a transformative day for the zodiac! So, get ready to lean into the intensity, let your passions shine, and trust that the stars are guiding you toward an even brighter, more fulfilling future ahead!

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Two zodiac signs experience major professional success on September 28, 2024:

1. Aries

Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Aries, get ready to charge ahead like the rambunctious ram that you are! If you have a ride-or-die, you may find yourself on the fast track toward financial growth with them — like Bonnie and Clyde, nobody will stop your stride. You two are working things out and building an unbreakable bond that feels like fireworks right now. If you’re single, it’s a fantastic time to strengthen your deep, intimate connections; it will be both revitalizing and healing for you.

Your natural boldness will shine as you tackle any partnership differences, especially when it comes to power plays, intimacy, and finances. With your fiery nature ignited, those intimate relationships will sizzle, and either you or your partner might feel a compelling urge to take things to the next level. After all, who can resist a little romantic adventure?

Right now, you’re feeling more outgoing and confident than ever — like the true trendsetter you are! With your typical Aries enthusiasm, you’re ready to leap into new experiences without a second thought. Your big ball of fiery, creative energy is being directed outward, and there’s an undeniable need to let your zest for life be seen and heard right now.

Whether you’re diving headfirst into hobbies, seeking romance, or indulging in some playful antics, you’re ready to make the most of every moment. So go ahead, embrace your inner daredevil, and don’t hold back — life’s too short not to enjoy a little adventure!

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2. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs receive abundance september 28, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Scorpio, you’re going to want to brace yourself because, with Venus now in your sign, today is set to be an indulgent one!

Deep down, you know you’re a master at savoring life’s pleasures, but right now? Resisting temptation? Forget about it! Your sultry side is stepping into the spotlight, and it’s your time to shine. Whether it’s a glance, a smirk, or that intense gaze of yours, you’re giving everyone in your life all the right looks, and that magnetic pull of yours is simply off the charts!

People won’t just be drawn to you — they’ll be obsessed. It’s like your power to hypnotize has doubled, and everywhere you go, compliments follow like your long, twisted, ribbed metasoma leading to your blazing-hot stinger. Seriously, who can resist a Scorpio in full bloom? It’s basically a universal fact — your allure is legendary.

And as if that wasn’t enough, Scorpio, you’re giving yourself full permission to embrace freedom in every way possible. Your gregarious side (yes, you do have one, believe it or not) is in full force, urging you to seek out new experiences. Maybe it’s an impromptu road trip or a mysterious midnight rendezvous (because we all know you love a little mystery).

Feeling restless? That’s just your scorpion stinger demanding a shake-up in your routine! You weren’t made for the mundane — your world is full of intensity and passion right now. So use that to your advantage, let loose with unfiltered opinions, and dive headfirst into mystical, esoteric experiences. With your enchanting energy, the world is absolutely yours to conquer right now!

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Jla Starr Johnson is a journalist currently enrolled in the Professional Astrologer Training and Certification Diploma Program at Astrology University.

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