Physical attraction or love? What do you think about a person?
Rahul Tiwari September 29, 2024 03:21 PM

Relationship Tips: There comes a time in most people's lives when they do not know the difference between physical attraction and love. It becomes difficult for them to understand that love and physical attraction are two different things. If you are also one of them, then we have brought some tips for you, with the help of which you can easily understand the difference.

Relationship Tips: Sometimes it can be very confusing to differentiate between love and physical attraction. You can often mistake attraction for love. You may be attracted to someone but that doesn't mean you love them.

Sometimes, we may be attracted to a third person despite loving one person. Should you feel guilty about this? This is not necessary. Because it is human nature to be attracted to someone. But when you are committed to a relationship and then you become physically attracted to someone else. Sometimes situations like extramarital affairs or cheating arise due to mere physical attraction.

this is why you're confused

Attraction can sometimes turn into obsession. You can't stop thinking, talking, or fantasizing about that person. And the desire to be with him is so strong that you are ready to do anything to be with him.
But the attraction doesn't last long. But, in the case of love, attraction can be a part but it does not completely destroy the person.

attraction due to body

Attraction is physical and includes lust. After a wish is fulfilled, you are no longer attracted towards that person as before. That means your interest reduces considerably. Some experts believe that attraction is not just physical, one can also be attracted to a person's knowledge or personality. When we love someone, that feeling is selfless and unconditional.

Once the attraction wanes, the relationship ends

One characteristic of attraction is that it can drive a person crazy. Once the physical attraction wears off, the memory of that person diminishes or disappears.

But when you are in love and your relationship is half-hearted or incomplete or your love does not get the right direction, you will keep feeling pain for months or even years.

The same applies for break-ups. When you're separated from someone you love, it takes decades to forget. Mental distress also occurs. Often one misses the person concerned.. such a situation arises in true love.

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