Exercise and walking are better for the heart, know how much walking is necessary for a healthy body.
News Update September 29, 2024 07:24 PM
How good is exercise and walking for the heart? News in hindi

Experts believe that if you walk for 45 minutes a day without getting tired, it means that your heart is healthy.

World Heart Day Special: We all know that exercise is important for a healthy body. But despite this, today very few people make exercise and walking a part of their lifestyle. Lack of exercise in such a deteriorating lifestyle invites many serious diseases to our body.

One of which is heart diseases i.e. heart attack, heart blockage and stroke. In such a situation, do exercise to keep yourself healthy. Walking in particular controls bad cholesterol and makes your heart healthy. Let us know what is the connection of walking with heart health and also how many minutes of walking in a day without getting tired is the proof of a healthy heart.

What is the connection between walking and heart health?

Experts believe that walking is the best exercise for heart health. Your every step improves heart health and also prevents many serious problems. According to the American Heart Association, walking reduces bad cholesterol and blood pressure levels, strengthens heart health and keeps you internally fit and also reduces weight.

Walking for so many minutes every day without getting tired is proof of a healthy heart:

Experts believe that if you walk for 45 minutes a day without getting tired, it means that your heart is healthy. However, if you start feeling short of breath or gasping within 15 to 20 minutes of walking, then you should be cautious. However, if you have started jogging then it is natural to get tired quickly, but if you start jogging regularly then this problem will go away.

Walking rules change with age and gender:

Experts say that the rule of walking for 45 minutes without getting tired is not necessary for everyone. This rule is for the youth. If a 35 year old person is walking 4 to 5 kilometers in 1 hour, it means that his heart is healthy. But if a 75 year old person is walking 2 to 3 kilometers an hour, then his heart is also healthy. That means the health of your heart also depends on your age and gender.

Please note that the information given in the article is media based, hence before adopting any remedy, consult a doctor for personal advice.

(For more news apart from How good is exercise and walking for the heart? news in hindi, stay tuned to Spokesman hindi)

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