There was a huge uproar over the brutality on a female trainee in Kolkata, West Bengal. This incident raised many questions regarding the safety of doctors in the hospital. Meanwhile, Delhi AIIMS Director Dr M Srinivas has said regarding the safety of doctors that AI CCTV cameras have been installed at suspicious places. He has said that analysis has been done after the RG tax incident. Under which AI CCTV cameras have been installed in some specific areas.
Speaking to the media, he said that the administration has taken the initiative to install cameras equipped with artificial intelligence to keep an eye on any suspicious activity and monitor access to hospitals. He said that once we are satisfied that the particular artificial intelligence and that particular software is working, we will deploy it in the entire campus. He further said that it will take some time, a lot of experiments are also being done in this regard. The director said that after the RG tax incident, a lot of actions have been taken here.
The director said that such cameras will be able to recognize all visitors with facial recognition technology and will help security staff identify which individuals are repeatedly entering and exiting, thereby exposing them to unauthorized personnel. Will help with access control
Selective cameras have been installed in areas that are suspected key points, such as the main gate of AIIMS in Delhi and emergency services. Data from suspected key points will be tracked and based on 95% satisfactory results, further action will be taken to ensure security. Cameras will be installed at other places also. At a time when technology/advancement is constantly changing its form, facial recognition technology has emerged as an important tool for surveillance and security purposes.
In October this year, AIIMS has also introduced facial technology in wards and ICU as a major step for safety after the incident at a hospital in Kolkata. Facial recognition based access control and management system has started pilot experiment in Mother and Child Block. So that security can be strengthened.
There were protests across the country in the case of rape and murder in RG Kar Hospital. Along with doctors, common people also expressed their displeasure over the incident. Doctors had gone on strike in many cities including Kolkata and Delhi. All these doctors were demanding safety at the workplace. Meanwhile, AIIMS Delhi officials had announced a security audit in the hospital.