Reliance Jio has officially launched its cutting-edge 5.5G network in India, in collaboration with OnePlus, setting a new benchmark for mobile connectivity. With speeds reaching up to 10 Gbps and significantly lower latency, Jio’s 5.5G aims to deliver a superior internet experience for gamers, streamers, and mobile users. The becomes the first set of devices to support this next-gen technology.
Jio 5.5G vs 5G Jio 5.5G: A Game-Changer in Mobile ConnectivityThe 5.5G network offers remarkable advancements over the existing 5G technology, including:
The 5.5G network leverages Component Carrier Aggregation (3CC), a cutting-edge technology that enables smartphones to connect to multiple network towers simultaneously. This results in faster speeds and more reliable connections.
OnePlus 13 Series: First to Support Jio 5.5GJio has partnered with OnePlus to launch the OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R as the first 5.5G-ready smartphones. During the launch event, a speed comparison was conducted, where traditional 5G connections recorded speeds of 277 Mbps, while the 5.5G network achieved speeds exceeding 1,014 Mbps. This stark difference underscores the transformational potential of 5.5G in mobile connectivity.
Benefits of Jio 5.5G for Different User Segments 1. For Gamers: