Vivian Dsena, Karanvir Mehra, Esha Singh, and Rajat Dalal attended the media press conference in Bigg Boss 18. During this, journalists asked them many questions. A journalist questioned Rajat Dalal on his angry behavior. On this, Rajat said that false allegations have been made against him.
Rajat said this on the allegations.
Rajat said about these allegations that everyone in the house knows him well. They know that I do not do anything wrong. He said, 'I respect everyone, I was accused of assault and kidnapping, and I was also charged with pornography. If you talk about my image in society, then I talk about teaching children for free, protecting stray animals, and helping the needy.'
Family embarrassed
Rajat said, just by accusing me, you cannot guess what kind of a person I am in reality. Rajat said that three police vehicles came to arrest me. This brought a lot of shame to my family. I can never kidnap a child. Someone saw the video of the child I kidnapped.
Rajat Dalal said this
Rajat said I admit that I have a very violent nature. I am a weight lifter. I behave like that in some situations. My family has suffered a lot because of me. I respect the law and the justice system. I have been accused of things that I have not even done. I am still working on myself.
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