The Delhi High Court on Monday deferred the hearing on the interim bail plea of Tahir Hussain, leader of All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) and accused in the Delhi riots. While adjourning the hearing of the case till Tuesday, the court verbally said that Tahir Hussain can file nomination for elections from inside the jail.
The bench of Justice Neena Bansal Krishna noted that the regular bail plea of Tahir, accused in the murder case of IB employee Ankit Sharma, is also to be heard on Tuesday. The court said that in such a situation, the interim bail case is also listed on Tuesday.
Tahir is a candidate from Mustafabad
Former AAP councilor Tahir has been made a candidate by AIMIM from Mustafabad. Additional Solicitor General Chetan Sharma, who appeared on behalf of Delhi Police, said there are examples when prisoners completed the process of filing nomination for elections from jail. Giving an example, he said that recently Amritpal Singh has also filed nomination from inside the jail for the Lok Sabha elections.
At the same time, advocate Tara Narula, appearing on behalf of Tahir, said that apart from submitting the nomination papers, Tahir has to declare his assets along with campaigning. He argued that MP Engineer Rashid was also granted interim bail by the trial court to contest the Lok Sabha elections. He also stressed that Tahir Hussain has been in custody since March 2020.
However, the bench listed the hearing of the case for Tuesday. Tahir Hussain has sought interim bail from January 14 to February 9 to contest the elections.
Sought exemption to open a bank account and campaign
Tahir has also sought exemption to open a bank account and campaign along with filing nomination. 53 people were killed in the violence in Northeast Delhi on 24 February 2020, while a large number of people were injured. Tahir Hussain is also an accused in the money laundering case related to the Delhi riots.