Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis's reaction has come to the fore on the attack on Saif Ali Khan. On the incident with the actor, the CM said that the police had given information in this matter. With what intention this attack was done, all this is in front of you. Let us tell you that CM Fadnavis attended the screening of Kangana Ranaut's upcoming film 'Emergency' on Thursday. During this, the media mentioned this incident to him.
Said - everything is in front
CM Devendra Fadnavis told news agency ANI, 'The police has given you all the information about this incident. What kind of attack is this, what is really behind it, and what was the intention behind the attack, all this is in front of you. CM Fadnavis said, 'Attacking Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan in his house is a serious incident, but it would be wrong to call Mumbai unsafe due to this. Police are taking action and the government will take steps to make the country's financial capital safe.'
Mumbai is completely safe.
On the attack on Saif Ali Khan, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said that it is wrong to say that Mumbai is unsafe. Mumbai is completely safe. All the things will soon be revealed as to what kind of intention was behind this attack. Fadnavis told the media, 'I think Mumbai is the safest among the big cities of the country. It is true that sometimes some incidents happen and they should be taken seriously. But it is not right to say that Mumbai is unsafe due to such incidents. Such comments tarnish the image of Mumbai. The government will make efforts to make the city safe'.
10 teams were formed for the investigation
Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his Bandra house. The attacker stabbed him six times. The actor has suffered serious injuries in his neck and spine. He has undergone a successful operation. The actor is admitted in Lilavati Hospital. Saif is out of danger. The police have identified an accused and are searching for him. Police have formed 10 teams for investigation.
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