Motorola’s flagship flip phone has received a significant price drop in India, making it more accessible to consumers. Launched at a premium price of ₹99,999, the device is now available for just ₹69,999 at Reliance Digital, marking the lowest-ever price for the Razr 50 Ultra in the Indian market.
To sweeten the deal, customers can also avail additional discounts of ₹2,500 when purchasing via select bank cards during the Reliance Digital India Sale. Furthermore, the device comes bundled with Moto Buds+ worth ₹9,999, featuring sound by Bose and advanced features like Dolby Head Tracking and wireless charging.
Motorola Razr 50 Ultra Key Highlights of the Motorola Razr 50 UltraThe Motorola Razr 50 Ultra is a feature-packed device that combines cutting-edge technology with the iconic flip-phone design. Here’s what makes it stand out:
Durability and BuildThis significant price cut makes the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra an attractive option for tech enthusiasts who value innovation and style. With its largest external flip-phone display, powerful performance, and sleek design, the Razr 50 Ultra redefines the foldable phone experience.
At ₹69,999, it offers unmatched value in the premium segment, further enhanced by bundled Moto Buds+ and additional bank card discounts.