A video has surfaced before the stampede before the second bath of Mauni Amavasya in Maha Kumbh, in which the commissioner of the fair area, Vijay Vishwas Pant, was appealing to the people to take bath as soon as possible since late night. He had already expressed the fear of a stampede. In this video, he is waking up the people sleeping on the banks of Sangam and appealing them to take bath otherwise a stampede can occur.
It can be seen in the viral video that the commissioner of the fair area, Vijay Vishwas Pant, was present there even late at night and was appealing to the people to take bath with a mic in his hand. In the video, he says, "All devotees should listen, there is no use of lying here. He who sleeps loses. Get up and take a bath and this is necessary for your safety. Many people will come now. So there is a possibility of a stampede.
Kumbh Mela Commissioner's video goes viral
He said that if you have come first, then you should get Amrit first. All the devotees are requested with folded hands to get up... get up... do not sleep... and go to take a bath. Since you have come first, then take a bath. Despite this, people did not move from there and what was already being feared happened. People say that a large number of people were sleeping on the nose of Sangam, then at around one o'clock in the night, a crowd of devotees came, after which the pressure increased and a stampede occurred.
#WATCH | महाकुंभ में भगदड़ से पहले का कमिश्नर का वीडियो वायरल!#Mahakumbh #Mahakumbh2025 #Prayagraj #Kumbh #India #ABPNews pic.twitter.com/see9K9fRzH
— ABP News (@ABPNews) January 29, 2025
According to sources, 17 people are reported to have died in this incident, while more than 100 people are said to be injured. However, no official data has been released by the administration regarding this yet. However, after the incident, the situation is now The situation is being reported to be normal. Devotees have started taking bath. By 9 am, more than 3 crore devotees had taken a dip in the Maha Kumbh. CM Yogi himself is keeping an eye on the situation.