Arjun Kapoor, Bhumi Pednekar, and Rakul Preet Singh starrer film 'Mere Husband Ki Biwi' will be released in theaters next month. Recently the release date was revealed and now today on Friday the poster of the film has been released. It gives a clear glimpse of the story of the film. Although it is clear from the name of the film that it is a love triangle film. Today the poster of the film has come.
Arjun Kapoor is trapped in a love triangle.
The poster of the film has been shared from the Instagram account of Pooja Entertainment. In this, Bhumi Pednekar is riding a horse on one side and Rakulpreet on the other. Arjun Kapoor is seen trapped between the two. Both the actresses are seen pulling the actor towards themselves by tying both his hands with a dupatta. It is written with the poster, 'Get ready for a quarrel, because this is not a love triangle, but a complete circle'.
When will the film be released?
The film 'Mere Husband Ki Biwi' will hit the theaters on 21 February 2025. This film is directed by Mudassar Aziz. Jacky Bhagnani and Vashu Bhagnani are producing it under their banner Pooja Entertainment. The film was announced in November 2022 and now it will be released in 2025. It is a comedy film produced by Vashu Bhagnani, Jacky Bhagnani, and Deepika Deshmukh.
Arjun Kapoor got trolled.
Arjun Kapoor, Rakul, and Bhumi have also shared posts from their respective Instagram accounts. Arjun Kapoor has written with the poster, 'Klesh ho ya clash, it is a common man like me who gets stuck'. Bhumi has written the caption, 'Klesh!!! Which clash??? What is mine...will remain mine. If someone comes to hit me, he will be cut'. Rakul has written, 'If you don't want any clash in life...then uninvited guests and meaningless stuff should be thrown out!' The poster of the film is getting mixed reactions. Most people are trolling Arjun Kapoor. One user wrote, 'How does Arjun Kapoor get films?' Another user wrote, 'Another flop film of Rakul and Arjun is coming'. At the same time, some users are calling the poster interesting.
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