When the weather changes, it not only changes the surrounding environment, but we also have to face many skin problems in the changing season. All people have different types of skin, the most troublesome people have to face the most problems. Extra oil always appears on the skin due to the changing season, which makes many people upset.
This is why the skin often looks sticky and black. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the way the weather changes, we should also change the way to take care of the skin in every season. Due to sticky skin, we are neither able to make makeup in the manner nor use any kind of product.
Nowadays, on social media too, many people are seen telling different types of home remedies, after seeing which people also start trying those measures. By trying these measures without thinking, the skin starts to face redness and allergies. In such a situation, people with oily skin should not try some domestic things at all, because these things do not improve their skin but also makes them worse.
Neem has anti -bacterial and anti -fungal properties, which help reduce many skin problems. Due to this, all people use neem to make the skin beautiful, but people with oily skin should not use neem. Because using neem can cause skin irritation, and the skin can become worse. Using aloe vera gel instead of neem will be good for people with oily skin.
Green tea is also used to clean the skin, but if your skin is oily, you should not forget to use green tea, although it is not considered good for antioxidants and antiinflammatory but for oily skin.