Millions of parents bathe their children every day and often it can be a great opportunity to spend quality time with them - from playing in bubbles to getting out the best rubber ducks.
Watching their curious eyes and seeing them enjoying the water is cherished by many parents.
But one mum-of-four, Bronte Towns, has a different approach; she showers with her children and uses it as an opportunity to "teach biology" to her four-year-old daughter and seven-year-old son.
The mum, who aims to promote "honest motherhood", was candid online about her parenting decision, but people insist she can teach her children about the human body outside of the shower and brand her choice "a bit too far".
Speaking about her parenting tool on her Instagram page Journey Of An Honest Mum, Bronte explained: "[It's a] natural way to teach them biology.
"Helps them have a healthy understanding of different bodily functions and appreciation for their own body."
She said it was also a chance to teach them about their own bodies and saying no. She added: "So many questions pop up naturally when you shower together.
"We normalise open conversations in the shower, there's no silly questions, nothing too awkward to ask. It's a supportive environment where innocent, curious questions can be asked and answered age-appropriately."
Bronte admitted she talks to her kids about body hair - from why we have it to shaving - and also about changes like weight and stretch marks.
She said: "This is a way to open up discussions on why some people might choose to keep body hair, shave it off, have stripes on their tummy, or where body parts are located without big stigma around it.
"In this situation questions are great, they're healthy, and they're necessary for children to ask in order to grow and learn. Instead of only seeing the polished versions, they see 'normality'," reports The Mirror Online.
But not everyone thinks Bronte's idea is good. One person shared: "My parents did this to me until I was 14. I still have nightmares."
Another said: "I'm still traumatised by showering with my parents when I was nine."
Someone else thought her son might need therapy later, and another called it "traumatising".
"If your kid is old enough to ask questions about your body in the shower, they're too old," one commented. Another person wrote: "I think using your body as a teaching tool is a bit too far for me."
However, several mums confessed that they also shower with their children. One mum shared: "I showered with my mum growing up and was often in the same room as she changed up until I was a teen, I never had the thought of it being 'weird' or 'gross'."
Another voiced: "Knowing what cellulite, stretch marks and sagging skin looked like at a young age made me feel so much more comfortable in my body when I started to see these things."