These 5 special herbal teas will clean sweep the dirt rotting in your stomach for many days, try it before sleeping at night…
Sandy Verma July 27, 2024 12:24 PM

New Delhi :- When we eat something, it first goes to the large intestine. Here many types of enzymes are released from the stomach which break down the food. After this, this food goes to the small intestine and there the body gets nutrients from this food. But when there is unhealthy food and exercise is not being done, then many times the food does not move forward from the intestines and this dirt starts accumulating in the stomach. Gradually it starts rotting and in this situation digestion starts getting very bad. Problems like gas, indigestion, stomach ache, constipation start troubling a person. However, people themselves are responsible for this problem. If the right diet is taken, a healthy diet is taken and regular exercise is done, then these stomach problems will not occur. In such a situation, if you are also troubled by such problems, then try these herbal teas once along with exercise, you can get relief from stomach problems in a few days.

. Lemon Balm Tea-Lemon balm tea means that it is a kind of plant whose leaves are used to make tea and drink it. You break the leaves of lemon balm and make tea from its leaves. Consume it at night before sleeping. Certainly, stomach problems will end in a few days. Lemon balm tea is like mint and its flavor is aromatic. Ibrogast compound is found in it which strengthens the digestive system. According to the report of Healthline, research found that lemon balm tea provides relief from stomach problems, pain, constipation etc.

Wormwood Tea- Wormwood tea is also a type of war plant. Herbal tea is made by plucking its leaves. It is a panacea for stomach problems. You can buy the leaves obtained from the wormwood plant from the market because it is difficult to identify it yourself. It is also called Afsanteen. Drinking wormwood tea releases digestive juice which relieves the problem of gas and bloating.

Peppermint tea-People use peppermint by mixing it in betel leaf but it also strengthens the digestive power. Consuming peppermint tea can solve stomach problems. Drink peppermint tea at night before going to bed, the stomach will be clean in the morning. According to studies, peppermint tea relaxes the intestinal walls and relieves stomach pain. Plant compounds are found in peppermint which prevent excessive activity of immune cells. Due to the activity of these cells, the problem of gas and bloating in the stomach increases.

Fennel tea- You must have heard about this tea from your grandmother. Fennel tea relaxes the stomach cells a lot. Fennel tea or fennel water can relieve problems like constipation, gas, diarrhea etc. A study conducted on people found that fennel kills many types of harmful bacteria including E-coli in the stomach, which relieves the problem of constipation and diarrhea.

Green Tea-Everyone knows about green tea. If you consume green tea at night for a few days, then you can get relief from digestive problems and constipation. Green tea greatly reduces the risk of diarrhea and stomach infection. Stomach ache can be cured by consuming green tea. According to studies, green tea can provide relief from gastro problems. Green tea contains compounds that can relieve problems of stomach ulcers, gas and indigestion.

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