According to Research, Certain Cancers May “Melt” Due to Common Mouth Bacteria; Learn How
Rekha Prajapati July 27, 2024 12:27 PM

According to a recent research, a common form of bacteria that causes tooth plaque may cause certain tumors to “melt” and vanish. Experts from Guy’s St. Thomas’ and King’s College, London, claim that the bacteria produced much superior results, particularly for patients with head and neck tumors. According to medical professionals, Fusobacterium, one of the most prevalent disease-causing bacteria in the mouth, is connected to gum disease and plaque. It also seems to be able to eradicate up to 99 percent of some tumors


Modeling was first utilized in the research to help determine which bacteria could be interesting to look at further. Next, they investigated in a lab how the bacteria affected malignant cells. Additionally, 155 individuals with head and neck cancer had their tumor data analyzed.

In the lab experiments, scientists cultured large amounts of the bacteria on Petri plates and let them sit for a few days. Afterwards, it was discovered that the cancer had almost vanished. Following Fusobacterium infection, head and neck cancer cells showed a 70–99% decrease in the number of viable cancer cells.

The secret to surviving cancer is the fusobacterium bacteria
Therefore, according to the experts, the chances of survival were higher for individuals whose tumors had Fusobacterium bacteria as opposed to those who did not. The research found that bacteria, particularly in head and neck malignancies, is linked to at least a 65% reduction in the chance of mortality.
The research, which was published in the journal Cancer Communications, according to scientists, may help direct the course of therapy for people with head and neck cancer, which includes malignancies of the nose, voice box, throat, mouth, and sinuses.

“Basically, what we discovered is that head and neck tumors that include these bacteria tend to respond significantly better. Additionally, we discovered that this bacteria may eradicate cancer in cell cultures, as reported by senior research author Dr. Miguel Reis Ferreira to The Sun. Based on what it’s doing within the cancer, we’re discovering that this little bug is improving the situation. Thus, we are now searching for that mechanism, and it will likely serve as the subject of a future publication, he said.

According to Dr. Ferreira, the bacteria may assist in altering the course of cancer therapy. It may imply that these bacteria may be used to more accurately identify patients who are likely to have positive or negative effects. And depending on that, we may alter their course of therapy to, for example, make it gentler for patients who fare well or more intensive for those whose malignancies are more likely to return,” he said.

Fusobacterium: what is it?
Fusobacterium is a kind of bacteria that is often found in the mouth and stomach of humans, according to experts. It normally assists with regular processes and is innocuous, but sometimes it may cause significant infections, particularly if you have a weakened immune system. In rare instances, it may exacerbate more severe diseases, such abscesses or gum disease.
Due to the possibility that having high levels of fusobacterium in the gut increases the risk of colorectal cancer, a few recent studies have shown a connection between this bacteria and bowel cancer.

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