3 Zodiac Signs Find True Love On July 28, 2024
News Update July 27, 2024 09:24 PM

On July 28, 2024, there’s a very good chance that three zodiac signs may just find their true love and while that sounds lofty and a bit unrealistic, we can expect things like this to happen when the Moon aligns with Saturn. Saturn, in this case, lets us see past the limitations set before us.

In other words, if we are with a person we like, we can see the real person inside the facade. We come to love the real person, we come to know that real person, and what may start as an impressive first meeting could very well blossom into a very real true love.

Three zodiac signs are willing to take that risk this Sunday, whether it comes around as a date or a chance meeting. We might even know this person already but have never seen them in this light until now.

“Now,” however, is the important moment of change, and when the Moon aligns with Saturn at this time, we can be in the right place at the right time for true love to manifest.

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July 28, 2024, three zodiac signs find their true love.

1. Virgo

KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé / Canva

When the Moon aligns with Saturn, you will get a chance to fall in love with the right person. You may think that you’ve already done this, that the right person is the one you are presently with, and yes, you may even be right about that. But! There is someone else in the picture, and while they may not represent romantic love, per se, they do represent “true love”.

Ah, so what’s the difference? That’s what you’ll be able to describe after you come into contact with this person, as they are very special and not already in a relationship with you. Oh, how mysterious this Saturn transit can be, yet you’re intrigued. Oh yes, you are.

Virgo, it’s time for you to come to terms with what means the most to you in your life right now. Are you living up to someone else’s expectations or are you following your agenda? True love has a way of jolting the grasp that your present reality has on you. Be prepared to have your heart awakened, as July 28 is going to be pretty amazing.

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2. Libra

libra daily lucky love july 28, 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé / Canva

You’re going to find your true love on July 28, whether you believe in that kind of thing or not. The cosmos aren’t waiting for your approval on this, but it sure would be good if you went along for the ride as it’s all going to end up very sweetly for you if you believe and let the forces of love sweep you up.

July 28 starts as an ordinary day, just like any other, and yet, there’s something you must do, somewhere you have to be. While this place seems to beckon you to show up, the reason for such magical compulsion lies in the idea that when the Moon aligns with Saturn, love happens—true love.

You may find yourself talking with a new person on this day, thinking that nothing is all that spectacular about them, and yet, some kind of spark signals off and you start seeing them as something altogether new and alluring. This is your true love and the universe has brought you together in a cosmic hookup.

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3. Capricorn

capricorn daily lucky love july 28, 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé / Canva

When the Moon aligns with Saturn, you suddenly see that you’ve held yourself back regarding love and romance. You didn’t want to, but you were acting on instinct, and July 28 makes you aware that you no longer need to withhold that great love of yours.

As soon as this feeling comes over you, as it will on Sunday, you will immediately attract the forces of nature to act on behalf of true love. In other words, you will attract to you your true love, the person you are meant to be with, the one. It all seems like a fairy tale, and really, it isn’t all that magical; what it is is you making it happen for yourself by getting out of your way.

Things are always practical and pragmatic in your Capricorn world, and on July 28, you will use that Saturn energy to see that it’s been you who has stood in your path, acting as your obstacle. Now, it’s time to welcome your true love. You are finally ready; you feel brave, powerful, and at ease.

: 12 Zodiac Signs Dates, Symbols, And Defining Traits

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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