Inspirational slogans of freedom struggle: Freedom Struggle
News Update September 08, 2024 04:24 AM

Freedom Struggle: During India's long struggle for freedom, the public raised many slogans from time to time. Some of these slogans were so influential and inspiring that they became immortal in the history of India forever. Some such inspiring slogans are presented here. When Sardar Bhagat Singh exploded a bomb in the Assembly to convey the message of the Indians to the deaf British government, he raised a slogan – 'Inquilab Zindabad'. After that, this slogan became a very favorite slogan not only for the revolutionaries but also for all the patriots.

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Whenever he went on a difficult mission, took on the British police and army, or raised his voice harshly against British officers, he would often raise the slogan – 'Inquilab Zindabad!
In 1928, when the Simon Commission came to India and Indians under the leadership of Congress decided to boycott it because no Indian was included in it, wherever it went in the country, it was welcomed with slogans of 'Simon Go Back'. Some landlords and jagirdars of the United Province (now Uttar Pradesh) organized a grand party for the Simon Commission. There was strict police vigil all around. The agitators took the help of balloons and kites to convey their slogan to the Simon Commission. The party had just started when a lot of balloons and kites started falling at that place, on which was written – 'Simon Go Back'.
The people of Lahore added some more things to the slogan of 'Simon Go Back' and made it more interesting and meaningful. This slogan was – 'Soda Whiskey, Union Jack, Simon Commission Go Back'. Simon Commission was a symbol of the British Empire. So the British flag Union Jack had to go with it. Since Gandhiji was also staunchly against drinking alcohol, the people of Lahore added 'Soda Whiskey' to it.
When Punjab Kesari Lala Lajpat Rai gave up his life due to the blows of police lathi with these words that 'Each blow of the lathi on my body will prove to be a nail in the coffin of the British Empire', then the atmosphere of Punjab along with the whole country became particularly heated.

Without any programme or call, the people themselves left their work and came out on the streets, and the whole of Punjab resounded with the slogan against the British – 'Hai hai ae raj firangi da, fitte munh malka randi da.
In 1929, the annual session of the Congress was held on the banks of the Ravi in ​​Lahore. Before the session, the Congress President, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, was taken out in a procession on a white horse. At that time, people were chanting slogans – 'Mem, whisky, Union Jack, Bandar Boothi ​​Gau Back'. After the resolution of complete independence was passed in the session, people in Punjab kept chanting this slogan for several days – 'Asi Aakki Va (We are rebels).'
While starting the Quit India Movement in August 1942, Mahatma Gandhi gave two slogans. The first slogan was for the British – 'British Quit India'. The second slogan was for the Indians themselves – 'Do or Die'. That is, Indians should drive the British out of their country and if they cannot do so, then they should sacrifice themselves for the country. History is a witness that these two slogans infused new enthusiasm in the people of the country.
Around this time, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose gave two slogans while declaring the fight for freedom against the British. The first was 'Jai Hind' which means may our India always win. For a long time, people used this word 'Jai Hind' even in mutual greetings. The second slogan was – 'Give me blood, I will give you freedom'. Its clear meaning was that the freedom of the country requires sacrifice from its citizens and no struggle is successful without sacrifice.
The slogan that had the most impact in the entire national movement and for which a large number of people died was- 'Vande Mataram'. 'Vande Mataram' was used as a greeting as well as a slogan. 'Vande Mataram' is basically the title of the national song which is taken from Shri Bankim Chandra Chatterjee's novel 'Anand Math'. The more the British government tried to ban this slogan, the more popular it became. Whenever people with national ideology gathered somewhere, they would definitely chant 'Vande Mataram' in unison. Many patriots happily hanged themselves saying 'Vande Mataram' and many other patriots became victims of the tyrant's bullets while chanting it.

The slogan which had the most impact in the entire national movement and for which a large number of people died was- 'Vande Mataram'. 'Vande Mataram' is basically the title of the national song which is taken from Shri Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay's novel 'Anand Math'.

Nature has blessed us with two eyes, one nose, one mouth and two ears, and we all recognize ourselves and others through these organs. If any of these organs is damaged or harmed in any way, then that person is immediately given titles like handicapped or disabled, but do we ever think about another amazing organ that is inside us beyond these organs? This happens rarely, because it also requires amazing powers. That amazing organ is our third eye, which is also described as the invisible eye or the eye of wisdom. Normally, through our physical eyes, we keep seeing the physical world daily, but through them we cannot see our inner form or the real form of others, because for that we need our third eye.
God has blessed all of us with the precious gift of the third eye, but all of us have covered it with the blanket of ignorance, not knowing its value, as a result of which we have considered this physical world visible to physical eyes as our all. Remember! The basis of our thoughts depends on what and how we see with our eyes. Therefore, as our thoughts so is our personality. When our third eye, that is, the eye of knowledge, opens, then light comes into our life and our thinking starts changing. We start seeing the real form of ourselves and others clearly through the new vision we have gained. Kindness, truth and love get included in our thoughts and our vision towards everyone becomes clean and friendly without any conflict.

For this we just have to practice meditation regularly, because through meditation we get the power to understand ourselves more deeply which helps us to restore ourselves. The experience of peace gained through meditation enables us to get in touch with our original nature and enlighten the lives of ourselves as well as others. So let us all remove the darkness of our mind by opening our third eye through regular meditation, so that new light spreads in the world.

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