How To Beat the Ranrok’s Dragon in Hogwarts Legacy
News Update September 08, 2024 08:24 AM

In Hogwarts Legacythe final battle against Ranrok Dragon is a multi-phase boss fight that challenges players with both strategy and spellcasting prowess. Defeating Ranrok Dragon requires a combination of well-timed dodges, strategic use of spells, and patience, as the fight is divided into three distinct phases, each progressively more difficult.

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Phase 1: Breaking Ranrok’s Shield

Ranrok Dragon enters the fight with a shield that makes him invulnerable to damage. To break this shield, you must target and destroy the floating orbs (or spell spheres) around him, each corresponding to a specific spell color. The orbs appear in three colors—red, yellow, and purple—each requiring a different spell type:

  • Red orbs: Damage spells like Break, Let's drive outand Bombard.
  • Yellow orbs: Control spells such as Levious and Glacius.
  • Purple orbs: Force spells like I was knocked down and Action.

Quickly destroy the orbs to drop Ranrok’s shield and attack him. It’s crucial to cast your strongest spells—especially red damage spells—as soon as the shield breaks, since your window of opportunity is limited before he regains his defenses.

Phase 2: Increased Difficulty

Once you deplete Ranrok’s health bar enough, he enters the second phase. The arena shifts, and you need to pursue the dragon to the next section. This time, two orbs appear in succession, and you’ll need to break both quickly to continue dealing damage. The key difference in this phase is the speed and frequency of Ranrok’s attacks, which are much more aggressive than in the first phase.

During this stage, keep a close eye on Ranrok’s movements and be prepared to dodge his attacks. He frequently uses powerful area-of-effect (AoE) attacks, like a red energy beam that sweeps across the battlefield, and projectile blasts. Dodging is essential here, as mistiming your movements can lead to severe damage.

Phase 3: Grounded Dragon and Final Assault

The third and final phase is the most intense. By now, Ranrok has landed, making him more aggressive and dangerous. His AoE attacks are more frequent, and his shield is now protected by up to four orbs that need to be destroyed in quick succession.

Ranrok also introduces new attacks, including a deadly charge where he lunges toward you. Dodging becomes even more critical in this phase as his ground attacks have a wider area of effect, making it harder to avoid damage. Focus on staying mobile and counterattacking as soon as his shield drops.

General Tips for Victory

  1. Stay mobile: Constant movement is vital. Ranrok’s fire breath, beam, and explosive attacks cover a wide area, and dodging at the right moment can mean the difference between life and death.
  2. Use Ancient Magic: Whenever possible, unleash Ancient Magic attacks after breaking his shield. This attack deals significant damage, and you don’t want to waste it while Ranrok’s shield is still up.
  3. Watch for telegraphed attacks: Many of Ranrok’s more devastating attacks are telegraphed by visual cues, like folding wings or glowing red eyes. Use these as signs to prepare for dodging or countering with defensive spells like I protect.
  4. Spell Set Optimization: Before starting the fight, ensure your spell sets are optimized. Each set should include at least one spell from each color category (red, yellow, purple) for quickly targeting the orbs. Having a balanced setup allows for smoother transitions during the shield-breaking moments.
  5. Health Potions: Keep plenty of healing potions on hand. The fight is long, and Ranrok’s attacks can chip away at your health quickly, especially during the more chaotic later stages.

By understanding the patterns and remaining patient, you’ll eventually wear down Ranrok’s health. Defeating him is the final step toward completing Hogwarts Legacy’s main storyline, but it also represents a test of everything you’ve learned throughout the game, from spell combos to dodging deadly attacks.

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