Stomach problems can harm not only the intestines but also the eyes, this can lead to a serious disease
News Update September 13, 2024 01:24 PM


Most people suffer from constipation, indigestion, bloating etc. But most people do not know that these common stomach problems can also damage your eyes.

Bad lifestyle, bad eating habits, tension etc. all affect your digestive system. In such a situation, stomach diseases are very common. Most people suffer from constipation, indigestion, bloating etc. But most people do not know that these common stomach problems can also damage your eyes. Yes, stomach problems can cause irritable bowel disease i.e. IBD. Let us know what is irritable bowel disease and how to prevent it.

Irritable bowel disease or IBD is a condition in which the gastrointestinal tract or GI tract becomes inflamed.
Irritable bowel disease is a condition in which the gastrointestinal tract becomes inflamed.

Irritable bowel disease (IBD) is a condition in which inflammation occurs in the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). This tract is the passage of the digestive system through which food passes from the mouth. IBD is usually of two types. First, ulcerative colitis and second Crohn's disease. Both these conditions are to eye diseases.

Crohn's disease is an autoimmune disease that can affect any part of the GI tract. The worrying thing is that this disease can affect a person of any age. Usually it can start in childhood or youth. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to its initial symptoms. Due to Crohn's disease, the intestinal lining also starts getting damaged. Due to which a toxic substance called antigen starts leaking into the blood circulation. This toxic substance can affect the immune system and cause inflammation in the body. This also causes swelling in the eyes.

Ulcerative colitis or UC can also affect the eyes. In this, inflammation starts in the colon and rectum. Due to this, mainly the skin and eyes get swollen. It also affects your intestines a lot.

Many eye problems can be affected by malfunctioning of the digestive system.

In case of episcleritis, the white part of the eyes i.e. sclera is affected. It starts getting red along with swelling. The intestines also get swollen. However, there is no pain in episcleritis.

Scleritis is a serious form of episcleritis. In this too, there is swelling and redness in the sclera of the eyes, which causes severe pain. This pain can increase at night. Sometimes there may also be a problem of watery eyes and blurred vision.

When the middle layer of the eyes i.e. uvea gets inflamed, it is called uveitis. In this, there is swelling in the eyes along with redness and pain. However, this is not a very serious condition.

In this, the cornea of ​​the eye is affected. Sometimes the infection increases so much that severe pain also starts. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

To find a solution to IBD, it is important to identify its early symptoms. In this, the eyes start swelling, dryness and redness. There may be blurred vision at night. Many times the affected person is unable to look towards the light. The eyes water continuously.

The most effective treatment for IBD is to pay full attention to a balanced diet. Always take a diet full of nutrients and fiber. Drink enough water throughout the day. Exercise also helps in getting rid of IBD problems.

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