Low Sodium Problems: What problems can occur due to lack of sodium in the body?
Rahul Tiwari September 19, 2024 09:21 AM

Health Tips: It is often said that salt intake should be reduced, it harms the body, it can cause high BP problem, but what happens when there is a deficiency of sodium in the body, in fact salt should be consumed in large quantities. Sodium causes problems in the body, however, its deficiency can also cause many problems.

What problems can lack of sodium in the body cause?
Experts say that sodium is a very important electrolyte for our body which helps in smooth functioning of many vital body functions. The function of sodium is to maintain the body's fluid balance, conduct nerve signals and ensure muscle function. Its deficiency can cause headaches, dizziness, vomiting, fatigue and in very severe cases, seizures. Sodium deficiency can cause muscle weakness, cramps and in severe cases, paralysis.

When sodium is deficient, the body's cells begin to absorb excess water, which can cause the cells to swell. Sodium deficiency also causes fluid to pool in the veins, which can also cause swelling in the brain.

What causes sodium deficiency?

excessive sweating,
severe vomiting and diarrhea,
Drink plenty of water

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