Lemon Pickle: The perfect way to make lemon pickle
News Update September 20, 2024 10:26 AM

Lemon Pickle Recipe, Limbu Nu Athanu: Everyone likes this sweet and sour lemon pickle. Here we will tell you how to make pickle at home just like the sweet and sour lemon pickle available in the market today.

Ingredients for making Lemon Sour Salt Pickle

  • 10 lemons
  • Salt
  • Turmeric
  • chilli powder
  • Roasted Cumin Powder
  • Pickled peel
  • Sugar
  • Water, as needed

how to make lemon sour salt pickle

  • Wash the lemon and dry it or wipe it with a cotton cloth.
  • – Now cut the lemon into four parts. Remove the seeds if possible.
  • – Add the juice of one lemon to all the prepared lemons.
  • – Now add turmeric, salt and mix.
  • Keep this lemon piece covered for three days.
  • After three days, put sugar and a cup of water, the amount of lemon you have taken, in a pan on the gas. Let the sugar dissolve. – Then add roasted cumin powder and chili powder to it.
  • – Then add red chili powder and mix. Let it boil for some time and then add lemon slices to it. – Then let it cook for 5 minutes. Let the water part burn. – Then turn off the gas. When it cools down, fill it in a glass jar. Your sweet and sour lemon pickle is ready.
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