Is any child around you suffering from right side hemiparesis? If these symptoms are seen then contact the doctor immediately
News Update September 21, 2024 12:24 AM

As soon as the child is born, it is the responsibility of the parents, their duty to take care of every small and big thing to their child. So that the child develops completely with time. Like- whether the child is drinking milk properly or not. Whether he is looking at you when you call him or not. Whether his development is happening in a normal way or not. Parents have to notice all this. If you are seeing anything unusual, then immediately discuss with the elders and show him to the doctor. So that the problem can be caught at the right time. One of the problems to children is 'right side hemiparesis'. What is right side hemiparesis? It is very important to know this. Today we will tell you about this problem in detail.

What is right side hemiparesis?

Right side hemiparesis is a condition that affects the movement and strength of the right side of the body. Hemiparesis means weakness on one side. It affects the arms, legs and face.

What causes right side hemiparesis?

First of all, it is important to know where the problem is in the central nervous system (CNS) of the body. This can be due to brain injuries, strokes or congenital conditions. In some cases, it has also been seen that right side hemiparesis can also be caused by heart problems and blood clots in the body. In one case, a hole in the heart has also been seen.

How to recognize right side hemiparesis

Difficulty moving the right arm or leg, problems with coordination and balance, delay in motor skill development, problems with thinking and understanding.

What is the treatment for right side hemiparesis?

If a child is suffering from right side hemiparesis, then he will have trouble walking, moving around and picking up things. Its treatment is physical therapy. On the other hand, if the child has a problem in speaking, then it can be cured to a great extent through speech therapy.

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