Eating peanuts soaked in water on an empty stomach every day will reduce belly fat
News Update September 21, 2024 01:25 AM

The nutrients present in peanuts increase metabolism, which burns calories faster and reduces belly fat. Peanuts are rich in protein, which keeps the stomach full for a long time and reduces the desire to eat again and again. Eating peanuts soaked in water on an empty stomach every day provides many health benefits. Let's know about them in detail:

Helpful in reducing belly fat

  • Increases metabolism: The nutrients present in peanuts increase metabolism, which burns calories faster and reduces belly fat.
  • Good sources of protein: Peanuts are rich in protein, which keeps the stomach full for a long time and reduces the desire to eat again and again.
  • Rich in fibre: Fiber aids in digestion and helps in weight loss.

Other Health Benefits

  • Good for heart health: The monounsaturated fats present in peanuts are good for heart health.
  • Beneficial for the skin: Peanuts contain vitamin E which keeps the skin healthy.
  • Makes bones stronger: The presence of calcium and magnesium makes the bones stronger.
  • Prevents anaemia: Peanuts contain iron which prevents anemia.
  • Increases energy levels: The carbohydrates present in peanuts provide energy.

How to consume?

  • Soak peanuts in water at night.
  • Peel and eat 5-7 peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • If you want, you can also eat them by mixing them with curd.


  • People who are allergic to peanuts should not consume it.
  • Peanuts are high in calories, so eat them in limited quantities.
  • If you have any health problem then definitely consult a doctor.


Eating peanuts soaked in water provides many health benefits. It helps in reducing belly fat, improving heart health and keeping the skin healthy. However, it should be eaten in moderation and a doctor should be consulted in case of any health problem.

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