Rub both palms for 2 minutes every morning… you will have these 5 amazing benefits…!
Rahul Tiwari September 21, 2024 03:21 AM

According to health experts, the palms of both hands should be rubbed for 2 minutes in the morning. Doing this generates heat in the body. Then cover the eyes with the palms. Doing this removes your sleep and increases energy in the body. Along with this, the body gets 5 health benefits.

Rubbing the palms together in the morning relieves stress and tension. Rubbing the palms increases blood circulation. It calms and relaxes the brain. Mental stress can be avoided by doing this simple process.

The feeling of rubbing the palms for 2 to 3 minutes in the morning activates the brain. This brings the brain into active mode. As a result, concentration in work increases.

Rubbing palms together keeps the mood good. Happy hormones are released rapidly by rubbing palms together for 2 minutes. This reduces irritation.

If you do not sleep till late every night, then start this exercise from today itself. Doing this gives rest to the mind. Do this day and night. This improves sleep.

Rubbing the palms daily brings warmth to the body. It also provides relief from pain in the fingers. The problem of anxiety goes away.

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