Women Health: Should Women Worship During Menstruation? Premanand Maharaj’s Surprising Answer, and Jaya Kishori Weighs In
sanjeev September 21, 2024 02:21 PM
As times change, people's mindsets have also modernized significantly. However, many still hold traditional views regarding menstruation.
Numerous beliefs surrounding menstruation have been prevalent since ancient times. Particularly, there are strict rules about worship, fasting, and visiting temples. Many girls and women often fear that if menstruation occurs before a household puja, they won't be able to participate or even prepare the prasad. In this context, Premanand Maharaj, who gives discourses in Mathura-Vrindavan, has shared his thoughts on whether women should worship during their periods. In response to a devotee's question, Premanand Maharaj stated, "According to religious texts, women should not perform any puja or divine rituals during menstruation; it is forbidden for them." Can women prepare prasad during menstruation? Premanand Maharaj advised that women should avoid performing weekly rituals during menstruation. However, he mentioned that they can still praise and think of God during this time. He suggested avoiding prasad preparation for three days of menstruation. He explained that scriptures prohibit women from reading religious texts, cooking, or serving God during their periods. Instead, he recommended that women and sisters should mentally chant God's name for these three days and engage in devotional songs and bhakti. What does Jaya Kishori say about menstruation? Motivational speaker Jaya Kishori also shared her thoughts on menstruation some time ago. She mentioned that in ancient times, sanitary practices were limited, and women faced numerous challenges. Therefore, they were advised to rest and take care of themselves during their periods. However, people have started viewing this from a conservative perspective. This was forbidden in ancient times In ancient times, women and girls were prohibited from entering temples during menstruation. People used to bathe in rivers before going to temples for worship, which is why women were not allowed to visit temples during their periods.
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