Growing children and sex education: Sex Education
News Update September 21, 2024 03:24 PM

Sex Education: There has been a lot of change in the education system of our country, but whenever sex education is talked about, people consider it against their culture.

When do children experience their childhood in front of their parents? Wing The moment flies by after applying it, you don't even realize the time. For parents, children are just children and because of this, they are not able to tell them many important things. Meanwhile, if something wrong happens to the children, then we feel that we wish we had told them about it earlier. It is very important to overcome this hesitation. Whenever you have to tell your children about sex, keep these things in mind.

Also read: Take care of children's privacy, otherwise children may have psychological problems: Kids Privacy

Start giving information about the body when children are small. Children up to five years of age should know the name of every part of the body and also about privacy to the body. You should also tell them that when someone touches any private part of the body with wrong intention, they should shout loudly so that no one can do anything wrong and people nearby can come in time. Also make it a habit for children that if anyone does anything, the child should tell you first as soon as he comes home.

Sex Education
growing kids and sex education

As children grow up, physical and mental changes occur between 13 and 19 years i.e. in the teen age. Children of this age have a desire to know everything, but due to shame they are unable to ask their parents and share all these things with their friends. Sometimes if they find some wrong friends, they lead them to the wrong path. In such a situation, explain things to the body to your children as a friend, so that they do not need to ask anyone else. Tell them that when you were young, you too had to go through physical and mental changes.

Teenage is such an age when hormonal changes happen in teenagers. Due to this they get attracted towards their opposite sex. Children make the most mistakes here. Instead of telling you about hormonal changes, they tell their friends and some friends instead of giving them the right advice, show them the wrong path. It is not their fault here either. It is our sanskaar (culture) that prevents us from telling these things to children. In our country, talking about sex is considered wrong. Due to this also, children are not able to share things with their parents.
For this, the cooperation of parents is necessary to tell children that attraction is a common thing in teenage, tell them about sex things, tell them about diseases caused by sex. Also tell them why there is attraction towards the opposite sex.

Talk to children like a good friend. Tell them that they need not be afraid. Take them into your confidence that if there is any problem, they should come and tell you first. Whether it is right or wrong. If they ever make a mistake, help them in correcting it. Assure them that you are with them at every step. If they ever make a mistake, do not panic, come and share it with you.

It is not an easy thing to explain to children, hence you have to understand them first so that you can easily tell your children about sex education.
Talk to children with confidence, do not create a different atmosphere. Talk in such a way that children do not feel uncomfortable.
Whenever you talk about physical changes, keep in mind that you should not talk directly to children but talk in a roundabout way. For example, you are growing up and your height is increasing.
It is the father's duty to talk to his son about nightfall, that when things get too much in the body, it comes out on its own. There is nothing to worry about in this.
Girls these days get their periods at a very young age and they are not of the age for sex education. In such a situation, you should be patient and only tell them about periods. Explain to them that with time, many types of toxins get accumulated in the body, which needs to be removed.
Tell children about physical and mental changes. Connect with them and say that this happened to us too. This is the age when changes take place in the body.
Never leave children alone at home and sit with them when they are using the internet.
There are many such topics on which parents are unable to tell their children openly. In such a situation, you can tell them about those topics through books, magazines and good websites available on the internet. They should never leave their children alone at home and sit with them when they are using the internet. There are many such topics on which parents are unable to tell their children openly. In such a situation, you can tell them about those topics through books, magazines and good websites available on the internet.

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