Top 6 signs you’re dehydrated: Madhuri Dixit’s doctor husband shares expert advice
News Update September 21, 2024 06:24 PM

New Delhi: Dehydration can affect anyone, often without them realizing it. With busy lifestyles and constant distractions, it’s easy to forget to drink enough water. Dr. Shriram Nene, a renowned doctor and husband of Bollywood star Madhuri Dixit, shares expert advice on the top signs of dehydration.

Dehydration can lead to various health problems if not addressed early. From headaches to fatigue, Dr. Nene explains the common symptoms that indicate your body needs more fluids.

Top 6 signs you’re dehydrated

Knowing these signs can help you stay hydrated and maintain good health.

  1. Dry mouth and skin

    When you’re dehydrated, your body doesn’t produce enough saliva, leading to a dry mouth. Your skin may also feel dry, flaky, and less elastic due to the lack of moisture.

  2. Dark urine

    One of the clearest signs of dehydration is dark yellow or amber-colored urine. This means your body is conserving water, and you need to drink more fluids to restore balance.

  3. Frequent headaches

    Dehydration can cause frequent headaches, as the lack of water affects the fluid balance in your brain. Drinking enough water helps relieve these headaches and maintain focus.

  4. Feeling tired

    When you’re dehydrated, your energy levels drop, leaving you feeling sluggish and tired. Proper hydration helps maintain your body’s optimal functioning and keeps you energized.

  5. Muscle cramps

    Dehydration affects the balance of electrolytes, causing painful muscle cramps. Drinking water replenishes the lost electrolytes and helps prevent cramping during physical activity.

  6. Dizziness

    A lack of fluids can lower your blood pressure, causing dizziness or light-headedness. Staying hydrated helps maintain proper circulation and reduces the risk of feeling faint.

By recognising the early signs of dehydration, you can take quick action to stay hydrated and avoid further health complications. Dr. Shriram Nene’s expert tips serve as a simple guide to keeping your body healthy and well-hydrated every day.

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