Horoscopes today - Russell Grant's star sign forecast for Saturday, September 21
Reach Daily Express September 21, 2024 06:39 PM


Are you thinking about a trip overseas? You may have to watch your spending for a bit to save up, but it'll definitely be worth it. Giving up some extras for a short time won't be a problem when you have an exciting adventure to look forward to.


Trying to keep on top of all your responsibilities is exhausting. You're tired and irritable as a result. There will be moments when you feel much older than your actual age and this is due to the weight of responsibilities resting on your shoulders. As these burdens begin to lighten you will notice a remarkable improvement in your well-being.


Don't worry if you want to take it easy for a while. We all need some peace and quiet from time to time and it's perfectly fine to relax and do nothing if that's what you need. Take a break, recharge, and you'll be in a better position to handle whatever the future might bring.


Start to insist that others share the load. You have done plenty for them in the past and it is time that some people realised exactly how much. Think about your health. If you continue at your current pace this will lead to a depletion in energy, enthusiasm and stamina.


After all the hard work of recent days it is natural that you long for a complete rest. A short trip will give you a chance to break away from your usual routine and will benefit both your mental and physical well-being.


A new friend or partner is becoming increasingly extravagant with their spending. They're treating money as if it grew on trees. You're not sure if this is their normal behaviour or if they're trying to impress you. Regardless, their careless attitude towards money is making you uncomfortable.


Someone close has some exciting plans and since you haven't made any arrangements of your own, you will be more than happy to go along with their ideas. A workmate will object to some of your ideas. Explain your thoughts in detail to prove you know exactly what you are talking about.


Taking part in a community event will bring luck, joy and companionship. You feel energised and optimistic and confident that activities being planned will have the results you are all hoping for. A personal goal or hobby will also provide immense satisfaction with incredible rewards about to come.


After a hectic working week, the weekend will bring a sense of ease. Instead of planning something active, you might prefer to enjoy your own company. Whether it is diving into a thick novel or unwinding in front of the TV, you will be perfectly content to simply relax for a change.


You're focused on new professional goals. It's important that people start to see what you are capable of to get that promotion you have your eye on. You're determined not to let anyone outshine you. Check all your facts are accurate when making important points.


Someone close is feeling restless and they will try to persuade you to join them on a weekend getaway. To add some excitement they will choose a destination that's very different to places you normally go to together. Their aim is to avoid your usual haunts.


A close relationship is about to deepen even further. Arrangements being made for this evening will highlight this. Whether you choose a romantic dinner for two or spending time together in a quiet retreat, you couldn't ask for anything more.

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