Limestone: Lime water will remove all the impurities from the body in one go, know how to make and drink it
News Update September 21, 2024 07:24 PM

Lime: Whether you want to increase the glow of the face, remove toxins from the body or lose weight, lemon water can help you in all these tasks. Lemon water helps in detoxifying the body by removing impurities from the body. Let us tell you today about the benefits of drinking lemon water. Also tell how to prepare lime water. First of all, let us know what lime is and how to use it.

Method for making lemon water

To make lime water, first take a little lime in an earthen pot. – Now add half a glass of water to it and keep it covered overnight. In the morning, stir this mixture well and then add one teaspoon of the mixture to 1 glass of water. Now mix one teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and consume it.

benefits of drinking lemon water

– Drinking lemon water removes impurities from the body and helps in clearing the stomach. Drinking this water improves digestion. This water is slightly acidic and is useful for improving digestion. It contains elements that help in detoxifying the body.

-If you want to lose weight, then mix lemon water in curd and consume it. Do not take more than one teaspoon of lemon water mixed in curd or plain water throughout the day.

– Drinking too much lemon water is harmful. If lemon is eaten without soaking it in water, it can also cause mouth ulcers. Therefore, drink only one teaspoon of lemon water throughout the day.

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