Love is very delicate, it cannot bear the burden of the mind: Some famous couplets on love and separation, somewhere the pleasure of love and somewhere the pain of the heart
News Update September 21, 2024 07:24 PM

Love and Heartbreak Shayari : 'There are other sorrows in the world besides love… there are other reliefs besides the relief of union' When Faiz Ahmad Faiz says this, he is actually talking about love. Only that love is a little different. But it is also true that most of the sorrows and happiness in this world are to love. This is the reason that in the world of poetry, so much has been said about love and heartbreak… more has not been said on any other subject. This is a place where living and dying become the same.

That is why Mirza Ghalib says:
In love there is no difference between living and dying
We live by looking at the infidel who will take our lives.

And if we talk about heartbreak in the same love, then the poet's words also drown in the same sorrow. The one who used to see God in his beloved, now has a lot of complaints for him. But the complaints are also very beautiful because they are coming from the tongue of a poet.

Here Ghalib has to say something like this:
“We expect loyalty from them
Those who don't know what loyalty is.

Today we have brought some such couplets for you..where both these aspects of love will be seen. On one side is the romance of love and on the other side is the voice of the pain of the heart. On one side is the embrace of the beloved and on the other side is his separation. On one side are countless desires and on the other side are complaints.

poetry of love

'What can I say about the delicacy of her lips
It is like a rose petal.

'Love has rendered Ghalib useless'
Otherwise, we were also useful men.

'If the game is of love then do whatever you want, why fear
If I win then what can I say, even if I lose the game is not lost.
Faiz Ahmad Faiz

'I don't know love or lust
This is love, not aunty's food.
Sheikh Zahuruddin Hatim

'Love is such a mansion that outside of it
Neither any door should open nor any window should come out.
Akram Naqash

'Dead love is restless in my heart
It is possible that this lamp may burn itself someday.
shehzad ahmed

' Having lost both the worlds in your love
He is going away after spending some night of sorrow.'
Faiz Ahmad Faiz

'Those who are conscious have no idea what unconsciousness is
Fall in love and then you will understand what life is.
nida fazli

Shayari of separation

'Even if it is a grudge, it comes to hurt my heart
Come again to leave me alone.'
Ahmed Faraz

'Why doesn't this give me peace
There was only one person in the world.
jaun elia

'Don't go away from my eyes, it will go away from my heart
What can one do about time, it passes and will pass.
Ahmed Faraz

'O friend, in spite of the arguments of love,
I have felt your need sometimes.
Nasir Kazmi

'It's been a while since someone broke my heart
That's why I don't love my loved ones.
Saqi Farooqi

'Bad luck could not tolerate even this
The one for whom we were ready to die could not be ours.'
Shakeb Jalali

'The sorrows of the whole world or just your sorrow

If there is this sorrow, then how many sorrows will there be.
Hafeez Hoshiarpuri

You cannot be the savior to cure the pain of my heart
you can't do good i can't be good
Muztar Khairabadi



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