Ways to prevent damage to the cornea while wearing contact lenses
Sandy Verma September 22, 2024 04:24 AM

CHENNAI Chennai: Contact lenses provide convenience and clear vision to millions of people around the world. However, improper care can lead to serious eye problems such as infection and damage to the cornea. Using contact lenses incorrectly can cause a number of risks to eye health, such as infections (such as microbial keratitis), corneal ulcers, discomfort and reduced quality of vision. Factors that contribute to these risks include not practicing proper hygiene, wearing lenses for too long, exposure to water, poor fit and ignoring signs of discomfort or irritation.

What to do

Always follow your eye doctor's instructions for wearing and caring for your lenses.

Before handling your lenses, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Clean your lenses with a new contact lens solution each time. Never reuse old solution.

· Wash your lens case with fresh solution after each use and allow it to air dry. Replace the case every three months.

Unless your lenses are designed to be worn overnight, remove them before going to bed.

· Have your eyes checked regularly to make sure your lenses fit well and that your eyes stay healthy. Stay hydrated and rest.

Follow the replacement schedule recommended by your eye care professional, whether it is daily, bi-weekly or monthly.

What not to do

Keep your lenses away from water sources such as tap water, swimming pools, and showers.

Avoid sleeping with your lenses in unless your doctor specifically recommends overnight wear.

Dirty hands can transfer bacteria to your lenses and eyes.

Follow your prescribed wearing schedule and avoid wearing the lenses for longer than recommended.

Always use new solution in your lens case.

If you experience persistent discomfort, redness, or changes in vision, remove your lenses and consult your eye care professional.

Check expiration dates and do not use expired lenses or solution.

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