3 Zodiac Signs Enter A More Fortunate Era With Venus In Scorpio On September 22, 2024
News Update September 22, 2024 05:24 AM

September 22 brings us a new kind of outlook on our own lives. Astrologically speaking, this date shows us that we can turn our lives around so that we put ourselves in the line of fortune. We’ve got this interesting lineup of transits, with Venus in Scorpio leading today.

Venus in Scorpio can bring on feelings of well-being and self-confidence. Three zodiac signs react very well to its presence, and as it goes with well-being — one thing leads to another, and all roads lead to good fortune and a positive attitude.

And while we tend to think of fortune, or a fortunate era in our history, as one that is strictly to gains or earnings, we can also know that Venus in Scorpio is far-reaching and covers love and emotion. So, this isn’t just about making the big bucks; it’s about potentially falling in love or growing in love.

Three zodiac signs enter a fortunate era starting on September 22, 2024.

1. Taurus

rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

This Sunday, you will find that you are handed an opportunity that is not only fabulous but something that surprises you and lets you know that you are the one that’s on someone else’s mind, in a very beneficial way. It seems, dear Taurus, that you are about to enter … The Fortunate Zone.

Because you’ve got the transit of Venus in Scorpio backing up your every move on this date, you’ll see that this is something you need to match in terms of energy and willfulness; in other words, this fortunate era is made known to you. Now, it’s up to you to introduce yourself.

Opportunity knocks, and you answer the door with a smile. Because you’re open, you go far with this. Venus in Scorpio has you in line for more than just one majorly uplifting opportunity, but you must cross that path when you get to it. So get to it, Taurus!

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2. Leo

  leo zodiac signs enter fortunate era starting september 22, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

Now that it’s late September, you have probably set the course for what you want to do with the rest of the year. You’ve got this major power push coming from the Venus in Scorpio transit, and how it will hit you is in the way of opportunity and your recognition of it.

And you do recognize a good thing when it stares you in the face, in fact, you’ll not only know a good thing, you’ll be a part of its creation. Creative impulses are also on high during this transit, so expect to play a major role in the creation of your next fortunate era in time.

You may even find that your mind is expanded at this time so that you can work with a romantic partner’s idea; you may have thought, “No, no, no …” at one point when it comes to this person, but something they say to you on this day changes your attitude completely. Your willingness to believe it is so makes this such a fortunate era for you.

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3. Scorpio

  scorpio zodiac signs enter fortunate era starting september 22, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

Venus in Scorpio starts the mechanism up and doesn’t stop. You are beginning a very fortunate era in your life, Scorpio, and you’ll feel it in your bones. Something feels unrestricted. It’s as if you’ve been granted access to happier feelings and are ready to go with the flow.

This brand new ‘era of good fortune’ seems to be something that you aren’t standing in judgment of; you aren’t waiting for the shoe to drop. You’re giving it a chance because why not? During Venus in Scorpio, you might even laugh at yourself for doubting such good news could come to you.

And so, you go with it, Scorpio. You allow the universe to give you an upgrade, and you don’t fight it when it arrives. This Sunday is very special to you, and it may cover many bases, but right now, we’re starting with a better love life and a positive attitude. That’s how your fortunate era begins to manifest for you.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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