Donating salt is forbidden during Pitru Paksha, know the reason behind it in astrology
News Update September 22, 2024 12:24 PM

The period of Pitru Paksha is going on these days, during this time the descendants are performing rituals for their ancestors at home on special dates. During this Pitru Paksha, which started from 17th September, the method of Shradh and Tarpan is adopted for 16 days. During this time, while donating many things is considered auspicious, the use of many things is considered forbidden. According to the belief, it is said that donations should be made for the peace of the soul of ancestors, but during this time it is also important for you to take care of many things. Let us know through the astrologer the meaning of not donating salt.

Know why salt is prohibited

According to astrology, salt is prohibited during Pitru Paksha. Salt is associated with the planet Saturn, it is also considered to be the cause of karma and sufferings, if salt is used during Pitru Paksha, then the harsh energy of Saturn is attracted, which can become an obstacle in the peace of the soul of the ancestors. It is possible that the rituals performed for peace may not bear good results, due to which donating salt is prohibited.

Apart from this, it is also said that another reason for donating during Pitru Paksha is that salt is a salty food item, if we donate it during this time, then instead of getting peace, the ancestors will be dissatisfied. Because according to the belief, during Pitru Paksha, sweet and satvik food is offered to the ancestors.

What is the importance of salt in astrology

Here the importance of salt in astrology is explained which is special. Salt is not considered to be used only to enhance the taste of food but it is also considered a symbol of purification, stability and security. Also, it is considered to be to the planet Saturn and Saturn is also known as the giver of karma. Using salt destroys negative things. Donating salt is considered forbidden during this period.

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