The crisis due to Sanatan Dharma cannot destroy India – Read
News Update September 22, 2024 01:24 PM

Live Hindi News :- Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) President Mohan Bhagwat has said that Nehru Kadi cannot destroy the Indian nation because of Sanatan Dharma. Yesterday he went to Balanath Ashram in Rajasthan state and participated in the Mahamrityunchai Mahayagam organized there. Then he said: Troubles do not have the power to destroy India. Because India is with Sanatan Dharma.

India is not just a land. We should try to improve our brothers who are poor and socially backward. We have to give them what we have and uplift them. It is very important to completely eradicate untouchability from our midst. This change is possible only by changing the mentality of the society. Also, social harmony will be the main carrier of this change. This is a step. The entire Hindu community participates in this yagya rising above any kind of discrimination and untouchability. He said this.

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