These people are at higher risk of motion sickness, what can you do to avoid it?
Rahul Tiwari September 23, 2024 10:21 AM

Who is at greater risk of motion sickness: Motion sickness is also known as 'travel sickness'. When we are in a vehicle, such as a car, bus, boat or plane and feel dizzy, nauseous and vomit during the journey, it is called motion sickness. This is the reason why many people are afraid of traveling.

Why does motion sickness happen?

The biggest cause of motion sickness is the imbalance of brain sensations. When we are in a moving vehicle or object, our eyes see a static scene, while our ears and other body senses feel the movement. This imbalance creates confusion in the brain, which causes motion sickness. Young children are often prone to motion sickness because their brain and nervous system are still developing.

Which people are more at risk?

Children as well as women are more likely to suffer from motion sickness due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. Apart from this, people suffering from diseases like migraine are more prone to motion sickness. Elderly people can also be affected by it.


What to do to avoid this?

To avoid motion sickness, sit near the driver's seat or near the wing in the flight if possible. Opening the window or running the AC in the car during the journey makes you feel refreshed. This will give you comfort. Avoid reading books or playing games on mobile during the journey, as this can make the mind even more confused. Instead, listen to music or have a light conversation.

Apart from this, eat light food before starting the journey. Avoid eating heavy and spicy food. If you often have the problem of motion sickness, consult a doctor. Keep some medicines with you, which can give you relief from this problem. Drinking ginger tea can also provide relief. These natural elements help in calming the brain. However, one should not remain hungry during the journey, otherwise this problem can increase. By taking care of small things, you can control motion sickness and enjoy the journey to the fullest.

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