Kitchen Tips: These are the tricks to make kitchen work easier..!
Rahul Tiwari September 23, 2024 12:21 PM

Everyone wants to keep the house clean. That is why housewives work hard for many hours to keep the house clean. Sweeping, mopping, keeping all the things in order at the proper place. They keep cleaning it so that dust does not accumulate on it.

But cleaning the house is a challenging task for housewives because it takes a lot of time to do this work. But it is necessary to do this work. Cleaning the house amidst all the work, it becomes difficult to finish all the household work in such a short time.

But let us know some tips and tricks with which the house can be managed easily in less time.

easy way to clean the sink

Cleaning the sink at home is a big task for every housewife, because it is not easy to clean this sink. Many times washing with soap powder does not clean the sink. So try this method to clean the sink easily.

First of all, put baking powder in the sink. Then cut a lemon and fill the sink with its juice. After this, if there is any dishwashing liquid, then pour it on the sponge and sprinkle some water and rub it well. Wash with lukewarm water. This is an easy way to clean the sink. No matter how stubborn the stains are on the sink, they will be removed with one wash.

How to clean a gas burner?

If the gas burner is not clean, it will not burn properly. Thus, cooking is delayed due to lack of proper flame due to the burner not being clean. So how to clean the burner easily?

First of all, place the burner in a container and add water to cover the burner. So today cut a lemon and squeeze it. Then add Eno powder to it and leave it for some time. Then take the burner out of the water and wash it thoroughly with any liquid. If you want, the burner will be clean in 5 minutes.

How to clean curry pots?

When the utensil gets dirty, it takes a lot of time to clean it. So how to clean it? First of all, put water in a utensil and put it on the gas and add three spoons of washing powder in it and let it boil. – Then add salt in a spoon and mix it, after 5 minutes squeeze a lemon and let it boil. After boiling, turn off the flame.

– Then pour this water on the curry vessel and wash it thoroughly. Dip a cloth in this water and wash the vessel containing vegetables. This is an easy step that will make your work easier while cleaning the kitchen.

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