Most couples start having problems some time after marriage, what is the reason?
Rahul Tiwari September 23, 2024 02:21 PM

Nothing happened to them till one month after marriage, the couple went on honeymoon happily but as soon as they reached there, they had a fight, some of the people who came asked that I don't like this relationship and I want a divorce, all this is normal now. Hey, that couple was so good in marriage, I wonder what happened to them.

Some people are in love and I want him and he insists that I want her and they convince the family and get married. The family thinks that these two have got married and they will have a very good relationship with each other. These are the ones who got married after falling in love, what happened to them?

The first few months of marriage are very delicate,
Whether it is an arranged marriage or a love marriage, when two people start living in the same room after getting married, no matter how much you know about them, you start feeling a different person, you get to know some habits and traits that you did not know about before, it is not easy to live with each other, if there is a fight over something small, it is very likely, something as small as a stick collision will just turn into a big one.

When the new
When marriage happens, the environment seems to be different, it is a time of great anxiety for the girl, new family, new people, she is struggling to gain their appreciation, if she takes time to adjust, she may get angry. At home, some people will not be the same as they were in love, after marriage, all these things will change and problems will arise between the new people.

There is interference from the family,
If the son tells about the daughter-in-law who has come home, the problem will increase, if he acts against the husband's family by saying that you should become his mother, then this is the way it should be or if the wife has a habit of telling everything to her mother after marriage, then problems start in the married life of the new couple. Due to all these reasons, there is a rift between most of the husband and wife within a few months of marriage.

There is a simple formula to avoid such problem

No expectations…. Yes, do not expect too much from your partner, do not think that they should be like this, accept life as it is, mutual compatibility is important, then small differences will not become big.

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