Role of hormones and metabolism in childhood obesity: Kids Obesity Reason
Raj Kumar September 23, 2024 07:11 PM

Overview:We have clear guidelines to identify obesity according to the Body Mass Index (BMI). If the BMI is more than 30 then it is considered a clear sign of obesity. Kids Obesity Reason: We all want our kids to be healthy. In many countries, especially in India, childhood obesity is considered a sign of a healthy child. But the truth is very different. We have a serious problem of excessive weight in children in proportion to their age and height. Childhood obesity has become a big problem as it brings with it many other complications. We have clear guidelines to identify obesity according to the Body Mass Index (BMI). If the BMI is more than 30, it is considered a clear sign of obesity. If you think your child is obese, then do calculate the BMI before reaching any conclusion.Also read : Are you also a victim of work overload? Know the signs: Signs to be OverburdenedNegligence should not be taken Obesity increases in children due to unhealthy, junk food consumption and inactive lifestyle.Dr Moumita Mishra, Head – Lab Operations (Mumbai), Metropolis Healthcare Ltd According to the WHO, we know that obesity increases in children due to unhealthy, junk food consumption and inactive lifestyle. But sometimes a serious health condition can also be the reason for weight gain in children. Hormonal imbalance is one such reason, the treatment of which should not be neglected. 1. Increased cortisol levels in the body can lead to weight gain. Conditions like Cushing's syndrome can increase cortisol levels. But stress levels also increase due to increased stress in the body. Therefore, it is important to find out the stress factors in your child's life. Parents should find out if their child is suffering from stress due to bullying, abuse or studies.2. The problem of weight gain also arises due to a lack of thyroid hormone or hypothyroidism. Therefore, it is also important to get thyroid function checked to accurately find out the causes of obesity.3. In some children, puberty starts late and in such cases, weight also increases due to the deficiency of various sex hormones in the body. 4. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is also sometimes the cause of weight gain in girls after puberty.5. The insulin hormone is responsible for the use of glucose in the body. If insulin resistance develops in the body, it leads to weight gain.Although these hormonal conditions are quite serious, they also cause obesity. But the main cause of obesity depends on the amount of food and body activities. Therefore, whenever we have to find out the causes of obesity in children, all these aspects should be taken into consideration. Metabolism is affected Obesity in children is a matter of concern because it affects the health of children in the long term. Childhood obesity seriously affects the metabolism of the body, which increases the risk of some diseases that can be life-threatening.1. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Children suffering from obesity are more likely to develop diabetes in the future. Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease which damages other major organs of our body such as heart, kidney, nervous system and eyes etc.2. Dyslipidemia – It is the leading cause of heart attacks and, especially in the Indian context, brain strokes. Obese children have an abnormal fat metabolism in their bodies, which leads to blockages in blood vessels. Unfortunately, both these conditions are increasing at a rapid pace that can prove fatal, especially among young people under the age of 40. Therefore, attention should be paid to maintaining a healthy body right from childhood. In India, the general perception is that a child who is obese is so because he is being well taken care of. But the truth is far from this. In fact, obesity is not good for the long-term health of such children. To make our future generation healthy and also limit the cost of treatment, it is important that we inculcate good eating habits from the beginning and encourage children to do physical activities from the beginning. Apart from this, parents should also be alert about the medical conditions of children so that medical help is not delayed when needed. Correct information and awareness and healthy eating and exercise habits help in creating a healthy life for the future generation. Related
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