How To Keep Your Eyes Hydrated Naturally? Expert Explains
sanjeev September 24, 2024 09:21 PM
In a world where we are glued to screens for nearly the maximum time of our day, be it from staring at our screens during work hours to scrolling through social media during free time and late night binge watching the latest series, our eyes bear the brunt of endless screentime.
Drying of eyes is an obvious outcome of it which causes discomfort and irritation in eyes. After tiresome hours of screen time, our eyes deserve some care for relief. Generally, using hydrating eye drops is recommended to shield your eyes from harmful blue light emitted by the screens. However, there are some natural ways in which you can hydrate your eyes. Let's understand those in this article. Importance of Hydrating Eyes Before jumping onto ways of hydrating our eyes, let's understand why it is important to hydrate our eyes. Hydrating your eyes is essential for maintaining healthy vision and preventing discomfort. Proper eye hydration ensures the stability of the tear film, which plays a crucial role in lubricating the eyes, flushing out debris, and protecting against infections. When the eyes are well-hydrated, they function optimally, reducing the risk of dryness, irritation, and strain, especially in environments with prolonged screen time or dry air. Without adequate hydration, the eyes can become prone to inflammation, blurred vision, and even damage to the corneal surface, which can lead to more severe complications. A study found that individuals with chronic dry eye are at a higher risk of developing corneal ulcers and infections, which can severely affect vision. Therefore, keeping the eyes hydrated is vital for overall eye health and comfort. Ways To Hydrate Eyes Naturally To understand this, OnlyMyHealth interacted with Dr Kruti Shah, Cataract, Cornea and Refractive Surgeon, Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital, Girgaon, Mumbai. According to Dr Shah, "Maintaining eye hydration is crucial for comfort and overall eye health. Our eyes are constantly exposed to environmental factors such as air pollution, wind, and dry conditions, which can lead to discomfort and potential damage." Here are several effective strategies recommended by Dr Shah, that can help keep your eyes moist without relying on them: 1. Stay Hydrated Drinking adequate water is fundamental. Dr Shah advised to aim for at least eight glasses daily to maintain moisture levels throughout your body, including your eyes. This not only helps maintain moisture levels in your eyes but also supports other bodily functions, such as circulation and digestion. You might also consider consuming fruits and vegetables with high water content, like cucumbers and oranges, to further boost your hydration. 2. Blink Regularly Blinking is essential for keeping the surface of your eyes lubricated. "Each blink spreads tears evenly, preventing dryness and irritation," Dr Shah noted. When using screens for extended periods, we tend to blink less frequently, which can lead to discomfort. Make an effort to blink more often, especially when you are working on screens or reading.  3. Use a Humidifier Dry air, especially during winter months or in air-conditioned environments, can exacerbate eye dryness. "Using a humidifier adds moisture to the air, which can help alleviate dryness not only for your eyes but also for your skin and respiratory system," Dr Shah said. This is particularly beneficial in bedrooms or offices where you spend a lot of time. 4. 20-20-20 Rule To reduce strain from screens, take breaks every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This practice encourages you to blink, relaxes your eye muscles, and reduces fatigue. 5. Incorporate Omega-3 Fatty Acids Diet plays a significant role in eye health. Dr Shah emphasised, "Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish (like salmon and mackerel), flaxseeds, and walnuts, can enhance the quality of your tears, reducing dryness." Consider including these foods in your meals or taking omega-3 supplements after consulting with a healthcare professional.   6. Practice Eye Exercises Engaging in simple eye exercises can help relieve strain and promote moisture. "Try exercises such as rolling your eyes in a circular motion or focusing on objects at varying distances. This not only helps to relax the eye muscles but also encourages better tear production and distribution," Dr Shah said. 7. Wear Sunglasses Protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays and environmental factors is vital. Wearing sunglasses outdoors not only shields your eyes from wind and sunlight but also helps prevent conditions like cataracts. Opt for wrap-around styles to ensure that your eyes are protected from all angles. 8. Use Heated Eye Masks Heated eye masks can offer soothing relief from dryness and fatigue. The gentle warmth can improve blood circulation around the eyes and promote natural tear production. Consider using these masks for a few minutes each day to help relax your eye muscles and retain moisture.
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