Beneficial from diabetes control to eyesight – Obnews
News Update September 25, 2024 12:24 AM

Green apples are not only delicious, but also have great health benefits. Rich in nutrients and antioxidants, green apples can help prevent and treat many health problems.

green apples here 6 Here are the amazing advantages:

  1. Controls diabetes:
  • Green apples are high in fibre and polyphenols, which help control blood sugar levels.
  • It also improves insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to use insulin better.
  1. Improves Heart Health:
  • Green apples contain both soluble and insoluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • It also helps lower blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.
  1. Keeps the digestive system healthy:
  • The fiber present in green apple helps in smooth functioning of the digestive process.
  • It also helps in relieving constipation and preventing other problems to the digestive system.
  1. Helpful in reducing weight:
  • Green apples are low in calories and high in fiber, which makes you feel full for a longer period of time and reduces hunger.
  • This may help with weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.
  1. Improves eyesight:
  • Green apples are a good source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, which are essential nutrients for eyesight.
  • They also reduce the risk of eye- diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration.
  1. Prevents cancer:
  • Green apples contain antioxidants that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Free radicals can damage cells and cause cancer.

How to consume green apples:

  • You can eat green apples raw, add them to salads, or make juice.
  • You can also use them to make pies, crumbles, and other desserts.

Green apples are a healthy and delicious fruit for everyone. You can get many health benefits by consuming them regularly.


This information is for general information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. You should always consult a doctor for any health issues.

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