Know why eating spinach can be harmful in case of kidney stones
News Update September 25, 2024 03:24 AM

Spinach, although rich in nutrients, can be harmful for people with kidney stones. This is because it contains a substance called oxalate, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

When oxalate levels increase in the body, It combines with calcium to form crystals., Which become kidney stones.

Besides spinach, other foods that are high in oxalate include:

  • Beetroot
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Seed
  • soy products
  • dark chocolate
  • Bran

If you have kidney stones, it is best to reduce your intake of these foods or stop them altogether.

In addition, you can also get kidney stones To avoid this you can also take the following measures:

  • Drinking enough water: Drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily keeps the body hydrated and reduces the amount of oxalate in urine.
  • Keeping calcium intake balanced: Don't reduce your intake of calcium-rich foods, but consume them along with foods low in oxalate.
  • Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
  • Reducing salt intake: Excess salt intake can increase the risk of kidney stones.
  • Reducing meat intake: Consuming red meat can increase the risk of kidney stones.
  • Reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption: Alcohol and caffeine are diuretics, which expel water from the body and can increase the risk of kidney stones.

It is important to remember that kidney stones are a serious health problem.

If you think you may have kidney stones, So it is important to consult a doctor.


This information is for general information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. You should always consult a doctor for any health issues.

If you want to get rid of leanness, then include these two things in your diet, you will see the effect

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