Couples prefer to have sex on this day except Monday: Favorite Day of Intimacy
News Update September 25, 2024 04:24 AM

Favorite Day of Intimacy: Which couple does not like to make love and spend time with each other? Couples can sit with their partner in arms anytime, for as long as they want, but can they have sex at any time? No, you will be surprised to know that there is a favorable day and time for having sex. A study shows that there is a specific day and time in the week when most people around the world have sex. Although it does not matter on which day and time of the week you have sex, but there is a time in the day when your sex hormones are more active. Having sex at that time can be quite satisfying. So let's know on which day and time of the week couples enjoy sex the most.

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Best day and time for sex

Favorite Day of Intimacy
Best day and time for sex

According to the study, there is a specific day and time in the week when most people around the world have sex. Yes, most couples prefer to have sex on Saturday at 10:09 pm. Couples believe that on Saturday they are completely free from work stress and also their daily routine starts late due to the next day being Sunday. Therefore, Saturday is considered the best day to have sex. According to the report, Saturday is one of the favorite days of 43 percent of the people.

I don't like Monday

Most people believe that Monday is the most boring and useless day for sex. On this day there is more fatigue and stress at home and office. In such a situation, it is very difficult to find time for sex.

what is the best time for sex

Usually, late night is the most suitable time for having sex. But most couples around the world prefer to have sex at 10:09 pm. One reason for this is that most couples spend time together at this time. All household chores are finished. Apart from this, the sex hormones of both men and women can be more active during this time.

How many times a week should you have sex

On which day couples have more sexOn which day couples have more sex
How many times should you have sex a week

For a healthy life, sex should be done at least once a week. This can prevent physical and mental problems. Sex is an easy way to reduce stress, so experts advise couples to have sex at least once a week. However, it is the couples' own decision whether to have sex or not. They can also have sex more than once a week.

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keep these things in mind during sex

  • – It is very important to have mutual understanding between couples during sex.
  • – Do not forget to use protection while having sex.
  • – Couples should enjoy foreplay before having intercourse.
  • – Everyone has their own sexual fantasy. Couples should know each other's needs and desires before having sex.

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