Heel pain can be the result of many health problems, not just injury, these problems can occur if ignored…
Sandy Verma September 25, 2024 06:25 PM

New Delhi:- Body pain is a common problem, but if the pain is in the heel, it is not only uncomfortable but can also cause difficulty in walking for the sufferer. Heel pain can occur due to many reasons which can range from mild to severe. It is necessary to identify the causes of this problem on time and treat it because sometimes this problem can cause other problems along with severe pain.

Reason: Experts say that there can be many reasons for heel pain. Along with wrong habits to behavior and lifestyle, sometimes health problems can also be responsible for this problem. Dr. Rakesh Agarwal, an orthopedic specialist from New Delhi, says that nowadays the cases of heel pain have increased a lot. Its cases are not only seen in the elderly but also in the youth.

If we talk about the general lifestyle reasons responsible for this, then standing for too long or walking for too long, wearing shoes or slippers of wrong size, very high heels or uncomfortable shoes or slippers and sudden weight gain can be especially responsible for this. At times, due to some disease or health problem, injury and swelling in the heel due to injury, physical imbalance due to some other reason and lack of nutrition in the body, heel pain can persist for a long time.

Orthopedic specialist Dr. Rakesh Aggarwal explains that if any kind of health problem or injury is responsible for heel pain, then this problem should not be ignored at all. Plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis are quite common among the health reasons responsible for heel pain. In plantar fasciitis, the tissue under the heel gets swollen. This condition is usually found in people who stand for a long time or who lift heavy weights. On the other hand, in Achilles tendinitis, due to any injury or other reason, there is pain, swelling or stiffness in the tendon or tissue connecting the calf muscles to the heel bone. Apart from this, this problem can also occur due to heel fracture, bursitis, flat soles, bumps or bulges in the heel, heel spurs and the effect of arthritis of the ankle and heel. At times, there may be a possibility of increasing or increasing heel pain due to increased sciatica or back pain.

Ignoring it will be very costly: Dr. Rakesh Agarwal says that it is very important that the problem of persistent heel pain should not be ignored because this problem can not only cause pain and discomfort while standing or walking but many times it can also cause damage to tendons, muscles or bones due to injury or problem or the effects of the problem can become serious.

What is the diagnosis: Dr Rakesh Aggarwal, Orthopedic specialist says that the diagnosis and treatment of heel pain depends on its cause. In most cases, this problem is relieved by taking medicines, exercise, alternative medicine and taking care of some precautions. Talking about its treatment, based on the cause, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy, rest, stretching exercises and anti-inflammatory medicines for the patient.

Apart from this, choosing the right and comfortable shoes, giving rest to the feet in between while standing for a long time, losing weight and practicing exercises that help in making the muscles flexible and strong can also provide relief from heel pain.

Dr Rakesh Aggarwal says that unbearable pain in the heel, pain persisting for a long time and problems in walking due to pain should not be ignored at all and help of a doctor should be sought. He says that in most cases of heel pain, pain relief is obtained by taking medication, physiotherapy and other necessary precautions, but if the tendons or muscles are damaged, then in some cases the doctor may also advise surgery.

Apart from this, by making changes in the lifestyle like practicing necessary exercises, choosing the right shoes, keeping the weight under control and taking care of the feet, relief can be obtained from this problem and reduction in symptoms and effects is possible.

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