3 Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Heal From Heartache On September 26, 2024
News Update September 25, 2024 10:24 PM

It’s September 26, and our astrology charts show that we have some special energy following us around. We’re looking at a lineup of cosmic events such as Mercury trine Pluto, Mercury in Libra, Moon in alignment with Uranus and Mercury, Moon trine Neptune, Moon opposite Pluto, and the Moon in Leo.

If we are one of the three zodiac signs mentioned in this blog, we may notice that the healing energy of the day has us overcoming so much more than we ever thought possible. What might have once been a way of life for us is now known to us as that we need to move on and away from.

This day is about overcoming the past and healing ourselves so that we know ourselves to be strong and able to carry on while moving in a new and positive direction. The past played its role, and we are grateful for its job, but there’s a time and a place for everything, and this day is about overcoming and healing.

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Three zodiac signs overcome the past and heal from heartache on September 26, 2024.

1. Aries

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We all know it takes a lot to get over the past and heal from the heartaches it brought on, but we also have learned that sometimes these things vanish on their own. What you’ll come to experience without really noticing is that your heartache seems to have diminished.

It feels as though the past is something you held high in your mind, but that it didn’t really have as much power in it, and that though you held a torch for the heartache involved, you’re not feeling it now. Strange how that works, Aries.

In the past, you came to think that all you experienced would be something you could never erase, yet it all doesn’t seem to have any weight. It’s as if the past and the heartache had their moment in history, and now, it’s just one of your stories, something you could refer to painlessly if you so choose.

: 4 Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On September 26, 2024

2. Leo

leo zodiac signs overcome past heal heartache september 26, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

When you think about your past, your memories are so rich and possibly dramatic that it’s hard not to constantly refer to what you did back then. You are a person of great experience, Leo. Your backstory is part of who you are. Still, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with heartache or pain.

With the help of all the transits mentioned above, you could see a gap starting to form between you and your ten zillion memories. You are finally beginning to feel happy and appreciate the present; the past doesn’t have quite the same ‘shine.’

This helps you get over the past, as this day has you relishing all you can. You are now distracted from the past, as it’s starting to look redundant. Why celebrate the pain when the pleasure is taking place right now? September 26 delivers you from the old ways of thinking.

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3. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs overcome past heal heartache september 26, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

The last thing you want is to continue is the heartache you’ve experienced over the last few years. You know you can get past it, but you don’t know how. On September 26, you will see that there’s nothing to do; it’s been made possible by a loving universe. You are healed.

And you didn’t realize it because the pain was not on your mind. Out of sight, out of mind. It’s as if one day you wake up and you’re not thinking of the person who did you wrong, or you’re not obsessed with feeling bad about how things went. It’s just not there and that’s because, as the saying goes … time heals all wounds.

And time catches up on this day and shows you, with the help of its many astrological references, that it’s time to move on. The great part? You get it. You agree with the universe; it is time to move on because, honestly, you are just not feeling all that heartbroken anymore. Good on you, Scorpio!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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