Is kissing a newborn baby right or wrong, do not ignore these things: New Born Baby Care
News Update September 26, 2024 03:24 AM

New Born Baby Care: On seeing any small or newborn child, one cannot resist touching, holding or kissing him. Although hugging and kissing the child strengthens the bond between the child and the parents, as well as the child also has an emotional attachment towards the parents. But kissing the child repeatedly can be dangerous. Yes, the newborn child is very weak and tender. Holding and kissing him repeatedly can be harmful for his health, especially kissing on the lips can promote many problems. Therefore, it is important to take special care of some things while kissing the child, otherwise it can prove to be dangerous for the child. So let us know what precautions are necessary to take before kissing a newborn.

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These problems can happen due to kissing

New Born Baby Care-Kissing a baby can be dangerous
These problems can occur due to kissing

Respiratory problems

The respiratory system of small children is very small and underdeveloped. It takes about 8 years for the lungs of a child to develop completely. In such a situation, respiratory diseases can be transferred to the child through kissing, which can prove to be dangerous for the child.

The germs spread

The body of children is very delicate. Germs can be easily transferred to them. The risk of spreading germs also increases due to physical contact. Especially the immunity of newborn children is very weak. This is the reason why they are unable to fight germs and fall ill frequently.

skin problem

You must have noticed that small pimples appear on the cheeks of small children. This is a type of skin problem that develops due to repeated touching. Adults often use skin products and makeup on their face which can prove to be dangerous for the child's skin.

Risk of flu

Flu is a common problem in which symptoms like cough, cold and fever can be felt. But it can prove to be dangerous for newborn babies. If a person suffering from flu touches or kisses the child repeatedly, then the child can get infected.

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Take precautions while taking the child

kissing a child can be dangerouskissing a child can be dangerous
Take precautions while taking the child

– It is important to sanitize hands while holding a child. For this, you can use alcohol sanitizer.

– After the birth of the child, many people come and go, in such a situation the risk of spreading infection to the child increases. Therefore, a safe distance should be maintained from outside people.

– If the child has any type of infection, take special care of his diet.

– Newborn babies are very delicate, hence initially do not hand over the baby to anyone other than the mother.

– Avoid kissing the child's face and lips. If someone does this, stop him.

– The child's feet or hands can be held or kissed but do not repeat this again and again.

– Do not touch the child's skin if it has rashes. This can spread infection.

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