You have hardly heard of such use of potato peel, you will be shocked if you know, it is also useful in daily life hacks..
Sandy Verma September 27, 2024 07:24 PM

New Delhi:- Health experts say that whatever we throw away in the kitchen has many uses. It also includes peels of fruits and vegetables. In this sequence, there are many uses of potato peel. Its acidic properties are said to make it act as a cleanser and insecticide. What is the use of potato peels and how to use it?

According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, potato peels are rich in antioxidant properties. In a study on phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of potato peel extract, Professor Dr Rakesh Kumar Singh of BHU participated. These help in reducing dark circles under the eyes. Doctors say that potato peel contains nutrients like fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B. It is said that if these are included in the diet then they will remain healthy.

Skin care: Rubbing potato peel on the skin provides relief from itching and rashes on the face. It is said that this removes dark spots from the face.
Peel snacks: Apart from these, experts say that potato peels can also be taken as snacks. These peels can be eaten in the form of crunchy chips by frying them and adding spices. It is said that potato peels contain abundant amount of fiber which is very good for health. It is said that it relieves constipation. The iron present in potato peels prevents anemia.

Natural manure: In modern times, only natural manure is used for indoor plants. Experts suggest adding potato peels to it. It is said that potato peels contain nutrients like nitrogen and potassium, which are useful as good fertilizer for plants. Experts said that these potato peels can be used as fertilizer.

Cleaning: Experts say that many things can be cleaned with potato peels. Especially if rusted utensils and silver are washed by rubbing them with these peels, they will shine.

Shoe Polish: Experts say that potato peel can be used to polish shoes. It is said that rubbing the inner part of the potato peel on the shoes removes the dirt and makes them clean.

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