The shadow of a witch is on you… Tantrik tied the stomach of a pregnant woman with a chain, kept her in the house like this for 6 days, what happened next
Rahul Tiwari September 28, 2024 01:21 PM

When a woman is pregnant, many changes take place in her body. These can be both positive and negative. In such a situation, many times these changes are different from the common things. A woman was pregnant in Banswara, Rajasthan, many changes took place in her body after becoming pregnant. Now the woman started having seizures from time to time. The woman's in-laws felt that she was possessed by a ghost. Seeing the condition of the woman, the family members took her to a Tantrik instead of a doctor. The Tantrik confirmed the suspicions of the woman's in-laws. The Tantrik said that the pregnant woman is possessed by a terrible ghost.

The Tantrik assured the woman's in-laws that he would remove the ghosts from the woman. Everyone agreed to his request and now the Tantrik had complete freedom to do whatever he wanted. The Tantrik started torturing a 6 months pregnant woman and continued torturing her for 6 days, in the end the woman became very weak and died.

Chain tied around pregnant woman's stomach

The woman was 6 months pregnant. The Tantrik claimed that to remove the ghost from the woman, he tied an iron chain around her stomach. To torture the woman, the Tantrik even stopped her from eating and drinking. The woman had become completely weak. Seeing her condition worsening, her in-laws left the woman at her parents' home.

taken to hospital

The condition of the pregnant woman was very bad. After reaching her parents' home, she was immediately taken to the hospital, where doctors admitted her and got her examined. The investigation revealed that the woman's hemoglobin level was only 7. The woman was undergoing treatment, she died during treatment. Doctors said that if she had been treated on time, she would have been alive today.

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