Cancer Cell Growth: How Fast Do Cancer Cells Grow? This is the whole process
Rahul Tiwari September 28, 2024 05:21 PM

Cancer cell growth rate: Cells act as the defense army of our body, which keeps the body healthy and alive by clearing every enemy. Actually, we all have about 30 lakh cells in our body, which grow in a controlled manner and die automatically after some time. Dead cells are replaced by new and healthy cells.

Healthy cells keep eating the old dead cells, thereby cleansing the body. If any cells change their pattern or try to harm the body, healthy cells eat them and destroy them. Let us know how fast cancer cells grow, what is the process of their growth.

Why do cells grow in cancer?

When cancer occurs in the body, the controlling effect of the cells starts to end and within some time the cells start growing and dividing in an uncontrolled manner. Their uncontrolled growth becomes a tumor. Despite ongoing research, highly effective and affordable cancer treatment is not yet available. Chemotherapy is by far the most effective, helping to stop the abnormal growth of cells.

How fast do cancer cells grow?

The speed at which cancer cells grow depends on the grade of the cancer. In high-grade aggressive cancers the cells spread rapidly, while in low-grade cancers it takes 3-6 months.
Actually, the grade of cancer is determined on the basis of 3 conditions. Cancer and healthy cells are compared. A group of healthy cells form different types of tissue, while when cancer occurs, the test shows a group of similar but abnormal cells, this is called low-grade cancer. When cancer cells look different from healthy cells on examination, it is called a high-grade tumor. Depending on the grade of the cancer, it can be determined how fast it can spread.

How is the grade of cancer determined, how is it different from the stage of cancer?

The stages and grades of cancer vary. The stage of cancer tells how far the disease has spread in the body, while the grade reflects the ability of the tumor to spread throughout the body. The stage or grade of a patient's cancer is decided based on three factors 1- How different the cancer cells are from healthy cells in the body, the more different they are, the higher the grade. 2- Division: The faster cancer cells are dividing and growing in the body, the greater their number, the more serious the cancer. 3- Tumor cells: The number of cells in the tumor, which are slowly dying.

Growth rate of cancer cells depending on grade

Cancer cells in grade 1 look like normal cells and grow very slowly.

Cancer cells in grade 2 do not look like normal cells and grow faster than those in grade 1.

In grade 3, the cancer cells are very abnormal and grow very quickly. During this time the cancer has spread to large parts of the body.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, definitely consult the concerned expert.

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