Aamir Liaquat’s ex-wife leads legal fight for justice
Sandy Verma September 29, 2024 05:24 AM

The late TV anchor Aamir Liaquat’s ex-wife, Bushra Iqbal, declared that she is taking the issue to court on her own behalf in an effort to bring her late husband’s case to justice.

Bushra disclosed on social media that she is representing Aamir Liaquat in the case of the lewd video leak, pleading with Allah to guide her.

Bushra highlighted the value of integrity and said that people should be held responsible for their conduct if they violate someone else’s dignity for their own benefit.

She asked people to pray for her and her kids, expressing gratitude for the courage and strength she receives from their unwavering support. Bushra also emphasized that money should be earned respectfully and that one should never sacrifice one’s relationships or dignity in order to pursue financial success.

The case, in which certain people are accused On September 26, Yasir Shami and Dania Malik appeared before the Judicial Magistrate of East Karachi, and both parties made arguments.

The accused filed an application under Section A 249; the court has reserved its ruling; the decision is anticipated on October 10.

Bushra expressed optimism that the application would be rejected by the court so that the trial could continue using the evidence and witnesses that had been produced.

She is still committed to seeing that the accusations made against the defendants are validated in order to bring Aamir Liaquat’s case to a successful conclusion.

Bushra is hopeful that the process of being found guilty will soon come to an end, giving a sense of relief.

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