Do you also eat these 5 things with curd, then leave it from today itself, there is a risk of 4 major diseases!
News Update September 29, 2024 01:24 PM
Do you also eat these 5 things with curd

Curd contains good bacteria in abundance, which are beneficial for our body.

Food Combination Side Effects: Although milk and milk products are considered very beneficial for health. Consuming curd daily strengthens the digestive system. Apart from this, ghee also gives many other benefits to the body. But can these two things be consumed together or not? So let's know about it…

benefits of curd

A report has revealed that curd contains good bacteria in abundance, which are beneficial for our body. Additionally, consuming curd supplies enzymes to the body, which help in improving digestion. According to experts, consuming 1 bowl of curd daily helps in weight loss. Let us tell you that consumption of curd strengthens immunity. Because it also contains calcium in abundance, which is beneficial for our teeth and bones. Curd works to maintain hydration in the body.

Benefits of Ghee: Heart diseases can be avoided by consuming ghee daily. Consuming ghee keeps you healthy. Eating 1 teaspoon of ghee daily helps in fighting diseases. But can we consume curd and ghee together?

Why should curd and ghee not be consumed together?

Eating curd and ghee together is prohibited in Ayurveda. Although both are milk products, they have different nature. Curd cools the temperature while ghee provides warmth to the body. Eating these two together can cause digestive problems. You must have often seen that whenever some people eat parathas made of ghee with curd, they start having the problem of flatulence or flatulence. This happens because there is difficulty in digesting two things together inside the stomach.

Disadvantages of eating curd and ghee together

digestive disorders
High cholesterol levels
heart disease
Skin allergies

What else should not be eaten with curd?

Citrus fruits like lemon and orange should not be eaten with curd.
Eating tomato with curd is also harmful.
Ayurveda also forbids eating curd and watermelon together.
Paneer and bitter gourd should not be eaten with curd.

(For more news apart from Do you also eat these 5 things with curd, then leave it from today itself, there is a risk of 4 major diseases!, stay tuned to Spokesman hindi)

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